 2 years ago (edited) 

Theoretically, every time when you took a decision, the other decision was also made, but you experienced only one. The other decision was experienced by an alternative you in an alternative universe. That way the timelines have always been diverging. Until December 21, 2012. That's when they started to converge together again. Only two timelines will remain. The interview with Bill Wood explains it best:

Rabbit Hole Warning: This one goes deep.

Deeper than just this playlist:

Other relevant resources:

  • Dolores Cannon
  • Super String Theory
  • Project Looking Glass

I will check this... I heard two timelines every time more separated, and according to what we see in this world sometimes it seems people live in two different worlds, zombies and us. Thanks!!

Two entirely different realities running simultaneously within three dimensions, that's what I and many others experience too.
It's as if Gaia and Terra are splitting. Terra remaining in three dimensions, and Gaia ascending to somewhere less dense.

Yes something like this, I think so... even watching around I can see some differences. We will see... but it's a fascinating time to live here.

Hopi prophecy is another good resource.
This image shows the two timelines.

This looks like a good website to learn more: