Matches made in heaven

Dear friends,
We are happy and nervous to introduce our new dating app FIREDATE.
FIREDATE matches you with your 6-8 sun sign pattern. You are involved by the 6-8 sun sign vibration pattern with these signs. We call them FIRESIGNS.
You'll be oddly intrigued by their puzzling charisma, and you will be powerfully drawn into its spell. A love relationship between these FIRESIGNS will feel an irresistable attraction.
Under this vibration pattern service given will always be repaid by the fascination of the association itself. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.
The Dating Scene
Let's face it. We are drowning in swipes and profiles. We have more and more profiles without real meaning and connection. A picture may speak a thousand words, but it is not enough to make real matches.
There dating site scene has become polarized just like our politics. Many are focused on dating sites of their own race and religion or politics.
There is an ever decreasing interpersonal contact in the real 3D world. You may pass your soulmate at Starbucks and not know it. We are afraid to say hi sometimes in real life.
Astrology and Numerology
All of this is showing up in more people looking into their own star signs. There is a definite rise in consciousness. We are beginning to think as one mind.
There is certainly something to be said about ancient vedic knowledge of astrology. Even you may feel surprised to see how accurate numerology can be in predicting relationships.
So we created https://FIRE.DATE. A dating app focused on matchmaking through the stars.
All you have to do is sign up and enter your date of birth. Firedate takes it from there. We automatically determine your sun-sign and show your FIRESIGNS.
Firedate will match you with local dates who also match your FIRESIGNS.
Currently Firedate matches only girl with boys (heterosexual couples only). But we will allow anyone to meet on Firedate as things get hotter.
We are operating on a shoestring startup in a shared garage kind of manner. We need all the help we can get pronto.
Sign up today at https://FIRE.DATE and let us know how it goes. Tell your friends and family.
We are especially releasing this on Steem because of its natural ability to raise funds. So please upvote this post.
Bitcoin and BCH
You can also help us by giving Bitcoin and BCH at this address.

Basic Attention Token ($BAT)
We are a Brave verified publisher and can accept BAT directly through the browser. So please tip if you have BAT.
We are exploring our own ICO and coin. This coin can drive the FIREDATE economy and help us sustain this website, and make more development. So let us know what you think.
Follow us on STEEM
Thank you for reading and participating in a cosmic experiment.