The consequence of cutting human consciousness off from the higher levels of consciousness in the prevalent scientistic worldview is the weakening of access to the transcendent.
Although the higher levels do not go away by our denying them, taking away the ladder or stairs to the third floor in this building means that one does not try to go up to the third floor any longer, and gradually the existence of the third floor is denied.
Artwork by Josh Pierce
Therefore, the quest for transcendence—for the empowering and illumination of our consciousness, which was the goal of all traditional civilizations—becomes irrelevant, ignored as an illusion. The desire for the transcendent and for the gaining of perfection, is horizontalized.
The human search is reduced to gaining more and more information but not luminous knowledge, and this has resulted in a negative transformation of human consciousness.
If you don't mind some free advice, I think your posts would get more attention if you posted them into communities. This one, for example, probably would have done well in Natural Medicine community. Many of your posts are short enough for D.Buzz, which is a Hive front end that aims to be more like Twitter.
Posting into the appropriate community helps get your post in front of the people who most likely want to see it, and can earn quite a bit more in both upvotes and followers.