Morphic Resonance

Morphogenetic resonance, or Morphic resonance for short, is a metaphysical concept and hypothesis coined by biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

Rupert was personal friends with Terrence Mckenna and together their thoughts traveled far and beyond the average thinker.

Here is a two minute video of Rupert himself explaining what Morphic resonance is. A gift.

Now, Psy sense the human species is morphically resonating fear and disconnect - this is contrived. We are presented with the world as we know it and pass this on through our collective understanding.

We are at the mercy of a powerful governing - geo political - media swarming - soul stealing religious indoctrinating - Earth poisoning - human killing industrial military complex...

The system that currently steers the narrative is set out to enslave humanity through morphic resonance...

We must collectively push toward the great wakening.. Think it!