Thanks for sharing! The needed emotional balance after experiencing shock often requires us to end denials and integrate that which was numbed out - as you pointed to.
It is preferable to feel and release through expression, even extreme panic - than to deny it and force it into a sub conscious and eventually unconscious state.
Emotions, being movements of energy, need to vibrate in order to transform. I am still processing some of my essence that is frozen in longstanding shock and startle myself.
It's interesting that the moon is precisely the right size within its orbit to create an eclipse. Seems like some interesting characters in the Earth story also thought so...
The Egyptian great pyramid is aligned/scaled such that it perfectly matches the proportion/scale created when the Earth and moon are placed next to each other (This is material from one of my unpublished books). The angles and geometries are a perfect fit and are functions of the phi ratio:

Thank you for your wisdom. This deeply resonates. And I am constantly in awe of the synchronicities of the universe.
Interesting, it sounds more mathematical.....and mysterious too...
I would love to read a detailed article on this.
You can read the books 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' by Drunvalo Melchizedek for more info :)
Thanks a lot.