There is a growing demand for scalability on the blockchain space as earlier startups have proven to be too slow for business. An immense opportunity lies in the space, ready to disrupt these first generation blockchain solutions that failed to live up to their thunder. Already there are some interesting projects coming up that almost look like duplicates, but the truth is, they are they next generation solutions and technological breakthroughs. There is a big pool of smart millennials who have been attracted to the blockchain space who are looking to take on new challenges that have never been solved before. There are academicians from leading Computer Science Universities such as Berkeley, Carnegie, Cornell, who have taken leaves of absence to join the blockchain startups. Many students are also adding a blockchain thesis to their masters and PHD programs, all looking to make new advances or to develop the next cryptographic solution.
The market is hot and that is without even mentioning the quantum resistant or quantum ready blockchains which will be more like 4th and 5th generation blockchains. This is also without making mentions of various hardware breakthroughs that have been led by the top chip makers such as NVIDIA and AMD. This is also without mentioning the immense resources flowing from IBM and other companies that support AI in the blockchain. Did I mention the huge untapped space in healthcare solutions? Alibaba and other Tech giants like Microsoft are also eager to bring in IOT technologies ready to work with companies like IOTA to integrate robots and decentralized commercialized electronics. Autonomous cars, robots, fridges that can trade and be self reliant. The political space is also set to be disrupted by blockchain solutions such as Civic and Humaniq who are offering identity and democracy solutions. Did I mention the solutions to the financial markets that are bringing derivative markets to blockchain, essentially introducing trillions and quadrillions of dollars to be tradable on blockchain.
Without going on a rant my point was simply that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. There are many young and fresh startups out to disrupt the existing blockchains that have mostly either failed, lost focus or attempted to solve too many issues. Now lets welcome the next generation solution blockchains that solve some critical bottlenecks that have essentially hindered the growth of some of the earlier startups.
This blockchain claims to be the fastest and most scalable storage solution that stores data directly on the blockchain forever. Meaning that the data will always be there forever and can never be taken down, pay once and enjoy forever.A special mention today from the 2018 Consensus that seemed promising is ARWEAVE -
Check out their page to learn more and see the unique ways blockchain startups are getting disrupted by newer solutions. This is truly exciting for enthusiasts as it will only bring the solutions mainstream faster!
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