In 2009, my wife and I purchased a 42 acre chunk of land in Ontario, just outside of Toronto. Our intent was nothing more than conservation. Now we’ve done all we can. This is the lake #lakemanning, constructed and fully stocked back in 2011. It attracts all kinds of indigenous wildlife, including but not limited too Snowy Owls, Racoons, Whitetails, Snapping and Western Turtles, Swan, bats etc. We’ve also planted over 6,000 trees by hand over the past 8 years. Pretty proud of what we made, in an attempt to reduce my (rather large) carbon footprint.
including but not limited
Understood! 😉
Pretty proud
We are. Lot of work maintaining but well worth the effort.
Wow! What a wonderful project. It's great to here about the positive things people are doing for the planet.
Thank you.
As I sit on the back deck typing this, four deer wandering past on the far side of the lake.