Irrefutable Evidence That Won't Go Away! >> September 11, 2001

in #conspiracies7 years ago (edited)

Thanks to the persistence of the fallacious "War on Terror", the continuing paranoia suffered each time we prepare to board a passenger plane (especially any and all international flights), along with the creeping authoritarianism of America's Department of Homeland Security ... the "unsolved" events of 9-11 continue to shape and distort our lives.

But are they unsolved?

Officially they are apparently 'solved' because 19 Arab Hijackers "did it", or because Osama bin Laden (w/ his laptop and/or mobile phone) orchestrated the entire event from a cave deep in the Afghan mountains, or simply because the New York Times has repeatedly told us that 9-11 has already been 'solved' to their satisfaction.

But can you and I come up with better, more intelligent, more precise, more logical, more honest, and more complete investigations that offer a far bigger, better, and more realistic solution??

For those who are willing to attempt the latter, here is a video that might help transform your entire world view, and thus change the entirety of your future life.

H/T VeganTruther Y/T channel.