The 5 most important things a Truther needs to know

in #conspiracy8 years ago

1. 9/11 was a controlled demolition-

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In my world there are two types of people.  First there are those who think Osama Bin Laden from a cave in Afganistan or Pakistan blew up the twin towers, crashed into the Pentagon, and crash landed a plane in PA with the help of 19 mostly Saudi Terrorists.  Then there are those that think 2 planes can't bring down three world trade center buildings (1,2,7), when a plane crash lands into the pentagon there should be plane debris, when a plane crash lands in a field there should be plane debris, that terrorists with a few weeks of training can't fly massive passenger planes in complicated flight paths to hit extremely specific targets, that the small amount of jet fuel in a plane can't melt all the steel in a giagantic sky scraper such that it would fall, that it's odd that NORAD stood down the air defense on that particular day because there were drills happening about planes colliding into the Twin Towers scheduled for that day (and there have been eery similarities of drills when Sandy Hook was shot up and also the London Train Bombings), and that it's also really freaking weird that a news agency shared a story that WTC7 had been brought down 20 minutes before the event actually happened.

I ran a survey on a different subject.  In that survey 25% of the people that answered said they were conspiracy theorists/truthers.  In case you aren't one, yet, then I suggest you watch this quick video that is the fastest way to learn about the controversy.

If you're looking for a professional explination of how the towers were not brought down by office fires in a pancake fasion I suggest you check out Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  They created a fanstastic video that without going into conspiracy at all explain how the towers had been wired for detonation prior.

Lastly, if you're willing to go down the rabbit hole it's time to check out Loose Change.  An exceptional documentary on many of the problems that Conspiracy Theorists relentlessly point out about 9/11.

9/11 is a terrible tragedy, but it can also serve as a pivotal experience that has so many glaring flaws in the official narrative that people are willing to look into it in detail.  Once you lift the cover on the 9/11 story it's hard to look at the world in the same light.  Media lies to you.  Governments are not acting in your best interest.  Things start looking really fishy.

2. Money is printed out of thin air and it's created as debt.

The Federal Reserve in not part of the Federal Government.  It's a private banking cartel.  They issue the money, but they issue the money as debt.  Because it has a debt there is interest owed.  There is never enough money in circulation (because of the interest) to pay off the debt, and people are forced into poverty as a result.  The movie above is Zeitgeist.  The conclusions of Zeitgeist are total horseshit (RBE), but at least their description of how money is created is spot on.

If the content is too dense and hard to understand here is a funny and palitable cartoon that explains much of what average people are experiencing.

The bottom line is that money is printed from thin air (that's why they could print $22T during the financial crisis).  Every time they print money the value of money in your wallet goes down.  This is the basics of inflation.  They don't have to print money as debt.  There was a system in the US called Greenbacks and Continental Script.  It's purposeful to steal resources by printing paper.  They have used Post WWII Bretton Woods Accords to force the USD as the global reserve currency backed by the Middle Eastern Petroleum (petro dollar) and by the combined might of the US Armed Forces.

3. 80% of the money of global trade is controlled by 1 spiderweb of an entity.

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Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them.  They published a paper showing their results.  In a study of 43k companies it found that only 1400 of them controlled 80% of world trade.  Of those the majority of world trade actually rested in the hands of 147 companies that owned shares in the majority of the other companies listed.  Those 147 companies were ultimately owned by roughly 6-7 banks that had shared ownership.  In essence 80% of world trade is controlled by 6-7 banks with interlocking ownership (board members of one bank own the banks as well).  Ultimately 80% of world trade is controlled by one massive corporate entity.

The business magazine Forbes ran a great article on the subject.

Actually, the best series that I know of to date that covers both part 2 and part 3 is the Financial Tyranny Series by David Wilcock.

4. The two party system is inherently rigged, and it's internally rigged.

I don't have great links for this.  The gist is that on the one hand you have a party that enables the Federal Reserve, promotes infinite wars, allows abortions, encourages the welfare state, and promotes environmental regulations and on the other side you have a party that enables the Federal Reserve, promotes infinite wars, opposes abortions, and wants to build a wall.  It's a fake choice because you're picking flavors of violence and control and not given the option to act freely and independently.  

It's worse now then it has ever been in part because of citizens united.  That was a supreme court decision that said money=free speech so companies and people can donate as much as they wanted into a political campaign.  Now people politicians are basically for sale.

What's worse is the structure within the system.  Not only is the outright bribing of politicians now an every day fact, but in the off chance an actual honest human being gets into power they quickly find out that most officials have no real power as it rests almost exclusively in the majority leaders.  That means only one party is in charge of a branch of government, and only the senior leaders have any real say.  You want actual reforms to get through?  Fat chance.

Lastly, to make sure you can't get anywhere near elected there's the electoral college system and superdelegate system.  These completely undemocratic systems mean you actually vote not for the candidate but for someone to cast an actual vote for your candidate, and that person doesn't even have to vote for who they were supposed to vote for.  If that sounds convoluted it is, and it's evidence of a completely broken system.  Just ask any Sanders supports that. 

5.  The Vatican lays claim to just about everything

The Vatican claims to own your property, your soul, and anything you create.  These are statements issued in Papal Bulls dating back 500+ years.  At the end of the long chain of abuses experienced directly or indirectly by just about every person on the planet there seems to be evidence that it all comes down the Vatican.  Here's a recent study put out by Stop the Pirates, which appears to be a fantastic research group of folks going down the Rabbit Hole to find out where all the systematic fraud originates and how to undo it.

There is a lot more to all of this, but if you need some good starting points.  You couldn't ask for a better place then what's included here.  That ought to take you at least a year to fully internalize what the world actually looks like.

Also, I don't mean to suggest that everyone in government is a bad person, that every catholic is a bad person, every repub/democrat is a bad person.  I think that almost everyone on this planet means pretty well, but it's hard to do good deeds when we are all purposefully kept broke and tired.  So, don't think I hate or have given up on humanity or people.  We're pretty awesome.  We just need to get rid of some very seriously bad actors.


I have noticed your post was flagged by R4fken, well known steemit hater.

I am for justice and I am here with all my Steem Power to help you resist his hate downvotes and let your post be visible for steem users. Upvoted!

small amount of jet fuel?
You call ten thousand gallons a small amount?
That's enough to fill up a twelve by twenty four foot swimming pool five foot deep.

Thats not a lot when you'return talking about 110 story building. Not enough to make rivers of molten steel in any situation.

small amount is relative to the size of the building. there is a law in chemistry. Q=MCdeltaT
The amount of energy needed to change the temperature of soemthing is the mass times the specific heat times the change in temperature. Forgetting things like phase transitions or that heat was lost to the air it would take 80+ planes delivering all of their fuel directly into the steel beem in order for enough energy to be present to get it to the melting point. It then takes additional energy to melt.

Energy isn't enough though. You have to get it hot too. Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. That's part of why you can use jet fuel in a steel engine. So, I don't care how much jet fuel you burn. It won't melt steel.

Have you ever done any welding?
The old fashion way, with charcoal , bellows and a hammer?

Have you ever seen a blacksmith knock down a sky scraper? I'm not saying steel doesn't melt. I'm saying that 10k gallons isn't enough to do it.

10k gallons is 68,000 pounds. There are 400,000,000 lbs of steel in one of the buildings. So, by your math 1 pound of jetfuel can melt approximately 6,000 pounds of steel. It doesn't work that way.

You ignored my point. You don't have to soften four hundred million lbs of steel. you only have to soften a few hundred pounds of steel. On ONE floor. The support structure. When they get soft they will bend and the overhead part of the building come down HARD, smashing into the lower floors...the building willl floor at a time.


Don't waste your breath. These people are hopeless. There is something comforting to them in the world of conspiracy. They won't give it up, it gives them some sort of belonging feeling or who knows? Utterly hopeless.

Catch Bush , detain , beat the moma out of him and he will tell you what happened exactly . Oh , daddy to .

You're a truther too...

Now it all makes sense. You're a crank magnet and are probably a birther too? Anti-vaccine? Check.

Well, at least this crackpot post wasn't rewarded like your other posts.

2, 3, 4
Specially the control that those banks have is so interesting, I am going to be researching more about that.