It's been said that the angels or in my preferred usage Gnostic archons are androgynous; it's also been said that they were heavily involved with the genetic manipulation of humanity as the lore of The Nephilim alludes to.
2 plus 2 equals 4 IMO>but the one fact religionists miss or won't concede is that this cabal of mayhem left their particular book pristine and infallible..of course, I call B.S. on that one and would trust King James as much as I'd trust Bush or Cheney and that is not at all.
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Hey my friend, I'm sorry but I've only just noticed your message .. Yes I can see where you're going with that statement. It feels as though the impending 4th industrial revolution/transhumanism is an attempt at some form of androgynous synthetic evolution .. in whose or indeed what image we're being redesigned in is a question that I have certainly been asking myself. I did write a post a fair while back that you may be interested in, it explores the basic concept of archontic energy but from a more scientific perspective. Thanks again @andrewmarkmusic