Finally found a somewhat incriminating picture linking Bush to the Masons.
While it's not enough to prove he is an actual member, it's enough to prove he has been surrounded by them and taken pictures with them.
Having a hard time finding the source of this though.. Can anyone help me out with any info on this pic?
Also, still looking for something similar in regards to Obama. I've seen a Free Mason picture that was celebrating his presidency, but that's only showing that some Free Masons supported Obama, doesn't mean he is a member.. Just like this above picture doesn't mean Bush is.. But is is incriminating and interesting.
We know he was Skull and Bones, what are the odds he didn't go through Free Masonry? And learn all the lessons from there he could? Only makes sense that the people higher up in the pyramid tend to know these kinds of things.!
Both the Presidents Bush were members of Skull & Bones.
Thanks. I'm aware of the Skull and Bones connection, I actually featured it in a movie I made.. I'm particularly interested in if he is a Free Mason at the moment though.
Quite likely.
You're welcome, @apolymask
I've heard it argued that those symbols are suppose to be LOTUS flowers, not the Free Mason symbol.. But..It really does look like the Free Mason symbol!
I do find that picture compelling, but.. Not necessarily proof since it's disputed what the symbols are, thanks though!
You're welcome, @apolymask :)
Yes! He's worse than a normal Elite Mason. He's a Skull and Bones, third generation... that's not good. When I asked my mom about the Bush family during Bush I's reign (my family are Blue lodge normal non Elite Masons) she only had one thing to say, they're Skull and Bones. I said wow... and he's running the country. Later during my "awakening" I found out about Preston Bush and the Nazis and his banking history with the World Bank, and I learned Bush I was one of the CIA on deck when Kennedy was killed and that he was pretty much "in charge" that day, I knew they had been involved in his death after I understood about the push by Kennedy to end the Fed. Bush family couldn't have that could they. Then after understood the truth about the GMO/911 mess they gave us and found out about Agenda 21 and their bloodlines it made sense, and I knew they were from a very old kind of Evil...
Thanks for sharing your info!
I'm aware of the Skull and Bones connection and most of the other things you mentioned even if I don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions like "who" did 9/11 or who killed JFK. Cause.. I admit I don't know. But you're right Senior bush was involve with the CIA during JFK's admin and Bush and his administration do seem incredibly suspect and guilty of covering it up at the least.
It's very plausible there was a coup and they killed JFK and did 9/11, I just admit I can't prove that and I think this does go much deeper than the Masons and further back in history, I was just curious if Bush was also a Mason, or if perhaps because of his family lineage he just bypassed it entirely and didn't even really need to do it.. Though I imagine he still learned most of the degrees or lessons, filtered through whichever lens and deeper societies his parents came from. I also don't think skull and bones is the deepest, I think it's more of a fraternity, for the further development, and it's linked to the Knights Templar as well I believe.. So.. i think once you get to the highest levels, it's less about the secret societies for the individuals in these powerful families.. To them, even the people in secret societies are their puppets and pawns. That's my guess anyways. Thanks again for your thoughts.
Did you know that both Bush and Kerry are members of skull and bones? The chance that 2 candidates for president were both bonesmen is about 1 in 750,000. But yes also believe that Bush is in with the Freemasons. Maybe I could do some digging and find more info.
Yep. I'm aware of that I featured it in a movie I made.. I'm more curious about Free masonry specifically right now but thanks for your info and if you decide to dig a lil deeper it'd be cool if lemme know if you find anything interesting!
Oh very cool! What movie did you make? Is it on youtube or anything?
It's called "Are You Out There?", I made it around a year ago using fair use and pulling clips from the net and added in some narration and music and stuff.. And.. The response has been 99% positive.. A few people even told me they changed their lives after watching it. However, I'm not so great at getting my artwork out there so there's only a bit over a thousand views right now..
I'd be happy if you checked it out though! And if you do, I'd be glad to hear your thoughts afterwards and what you think. Here's the link if you're not too busy. It's around 45 mins long.
Very cool! I'll check it out
Cool. :) Thanks for checking it out!
I'd assume he was the TX governor in that photo. He took a lot of pictures with a lot of people in that office. At best it only proves he didn't dislike them enough to refuse to meet.
I'm not positive, but I'd say yeah probably was governor. And.. In regards to what the image proves.. Yeah.. Which is basically sort of what I said. He was on friendly terms with them enough to take a picture together. Thanks for your thoughts though.
On my phone so not posting images, but I quickly found several photos of Bush in the governor's office and some of Perry also. It's definitely the same physical room, good bet he was gov in that photo.
If he was a mason why would that not be published? The freemasons publish who were members, looks like the last was Ford. Unless since then policies have changed and they'll no longer give that info, or if Bush wanted it kept secret. I don't know why it would be hidden though given that the Bushes openly admit membership to S&B which seems to be a more secretive and elite organization.
I'm not sure that freemasonry has the power that it used to. I've heard they're pushing to get new members because young men aren't joining much anymore.
I've never had much more than a passing curiosity in the subject though. Got some good links or resources for people to look into?
Sometimes people want their secret society involvement kept secret. We never saw Bush volunteer any information about his involvement with Skull and Bones when asked. He said he couldn't say anything about it.
If you're running for various offices, but especially president.. It might behoove you to not give ammunition to critics at the very least, but also in a more security sense, you just may not want to advertise what secretive groups you're a part of.
ESPECIALLY if that group is accused of like.. Trying to take over the world and stuff, and especially if that accusation is true, heh.
I agree with most of the rest of what you said, Free Masonry basically went underground after the Morgan Affair and lost like more than half of their lodges and members and additionally since then they've just not done a good job recruiting which is one reason why they've started becoming so public on the internet in the last number of years, they are desperate for new "blood"... So to speak.
BUT.. I'm not really sure how much power they have, which is why I wanna find out if the modern presidents are members. We know the very first president was.. Geroge Washington wore his apron openly and if I remember correctly there's at least like.. 10 + or more other presidents that have admitted membership. So.. It seems pretty significantly connected to the highest levels of known public power in our US history and elsewhere in the world.
In regards to links.. I'm not really sure.. Most of my research on this stuff is sort of specific and targetted, I guess I would suggest looking into people like. Jordan Maxwell or Mark Passio maybe. Or uhh.. Robert W Sullivan IV. He's a a 32nd degree Free mason and is not into any conspiracy theory stuff but much more of an academic scholar that corroborates a lot of the occult info floating around out there.. I think he's a great source! When it comes to confirming certain things, though he definitely denies that Free Masons are trying to take over the world, though he does admit that he thinks the US should not be the "United States of America" but rather the.. "Free Masonic States of America. He thinks the history is so overwhelming in regards to Free Mason involvement from government to buildings and everything that it's basically a Free Masonic government.
Interesting stuff! When a 32nd degree Free mason basically says the US originates from their group.
Those guys I mentioned are mostly on YouTube, but they all have websites as well I think.
Texas Masons have always been involved in the public school system. Many early lodges had a school house on the bottom floor and a lodge room on the second floor. My lodge was responsible for opening the first public school in Williamson County, Tx. I believe that's Past Grand Master Mike Gower (1999-2000) just to the right of Bush, which sync's up with the event that took place in this photo on or around Feb 16th 2000 where Bush formally recognized to continue the previous governor's efforts to improve the Texas public school system. Masons and Lodges give hundreds of thousands of dollars in education scholarships each year and to those saying we're trying to take over the US, my thought to leave with you is; It worked out pretty well the first time, didn't it?
Thanks for the info fossilbluff. I posted this 8 months ago, it's always cool to see when someone comments on an older post here. Reminds me that some of these things I post are sort of "evergreen" in the sense that people find them much later after they've been posted.
I have friends who are free masons and I don't think they are all bad, and I haven't come to a solid conclusion about the organization in general. I'm open minded to claims on both sides. However.. Just because a person or group donates to charities or does good causes does not mean they are good. A good example of this is Hitler, he donated to charities, but how many people think he was a good person? Definitely not a majority. Who knows if he was truly in power or not, but most believe he was responsible for the deaths of millions, yet.. He donated to charities and good causes! So.. While I do appreciate your group does that stuff, it's not like.. A magic "proof" of innocence.
Also. Lol. When Free Mason's make comments like the one you just made in regards to Free Mason's having already taken over the US, that just breeds more and more conspiracy theories.
You could be joking, you could be serious. I don't know. Though as I said previously.. I try to stay open minded and not become a hardcore partisan so to speak, I admit I don't know the truth so I am still open minded to both sides of the story.
Thanks again for your info! Peace.