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RE: Flat Earth vs Globe

in #conspiracy8 years ago

What facts are we talking about, because it means nothing to tell me that there is an adequate theory for how the moon and the sun work. So what that there is a theory, DID I REQUEST A THEORY, HAVE I MADE SUCH A DEMAND OR IMPLIED THAT?

I remarked that by looking at the heavens, like our ancestors and like the numerous people from different cultures have observed, we can infer that we too are a sphere hanging in the air, like the sun and moon, spinning ON IT'S AXIS, just like the sun and moon. You haven't proven anything in that respect, you chose to make wild claims. What irks me is that you could care less to discuss this as you haven't addressed ANY of the numerous questions which you unleashed when you made the statement basically attacking my OBSERVATIONS. You said in no uncertain terms "Sorry, your observations of the universe using your 5 senses aren't good enough, I know better" and here I AM ASKING, YOU, the one who's sorry is a veiled dismissal of my observations, to please, CONSIDER WHAT THE FUCK COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. Maybe this time you won't outright insult my observations and dismiss them without argument or evidence...


You expect an entire theory(s) to be typed in the comments?

No, all I can do is point out the theories exist, and such you can go look at them.

The moon and the sun look like discs. That is all we can say. We assume they are spheres because we have been told they are spheres. We have been told that they are spheres and that the earth is a sphere, by NASA and our science books. I do not believe what NASA and our science books say because I have seen too much evidence to the contrary.

So, if we take your statement about your 5 senses crap (you really only mean one), then the only thing that you can say is that from our perspective they look like a circle. Everything else you have said is based on assumptions. And I do not agree with those assumptions, because I have seen too much evidence to the contrary.

Again, this is a comment, not a post, or a series of posts.
I intend to post all evidence and theories I have. It will probably take me more than a year.

I will do this because I would like everyone to know there are alternate theories that explain everything better than what we have shoved down our throats in schools.

I will not do this for you @baah. You have already denigrated to calling me names and using profanity. And basically all I have done is say, I do not agree with you or the science books, and I suggest you look into the other theories that are out there.

Trying to argue with you in the comments thread appears pointless, as you have already gone to the point of frothing at the mouth. Be well.