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RE: 9/11 Truth: The Next Generation (with Richard Gage)

in #conspiracy8 years ago

It's pretty sad how many people still believe the ridiculous official story of 19 Saudis with box cutters somehow dreamed up the entire plot. I don't think so. There is so much else that points to the contrary. The building should have fallen crooked if jet fuel burned up and melted the top floors. It is highly unlikely the entire thing would have fallen over jet fuel on the bottom floors. Plus in early footage from that day several building survivors talk about the explosions they experienced while inside the building. A little known fact about the weekend before is that both towers were shut down by the security agency run by Marvin Bush, the brother of G.W., for some supposed electrical work. I imagine that is how the charges were set for the controlled demolition of the buildings.


you need professional help