Who Buys The Theory That 'The Shining' Is Actually The Revealing Of The Moon Landing Cover-Up ?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

There is a lot of theory surrounding whether or not the moon landings were faked and a lot of those theories are the basis of other, overarching theories. Now, the theory of HOW the moon landing actually occurred, one of them anyways, involved Stanley Kubrick collaborating with the US Government in order to 'direct'/create the Moon Landing 'scenes'. One of the reasons that this is believed is because of a theory involving the movie 'The Shining', a film directed by Kubrick based on the Stephen King novel. Some believe that Kubrick's interpretation/directing of the film was purposefully being used as a mechanism to reveal to the audience the fact that the Moon Landings were faked and he took part in staging them.

The reasons people believe this include:

  1. A scene where Danny rises from a kneeling position while wearing an Apollo shirt, bringing to mind the launching of the rocket
  2. The fact that some of the details of the film are changed, such as Room 237 (237000 miles to the moon was the estimate around then - we're more accurate now, with 238,900 miles).
  3. Other details are changed, such as the color of the car driven by Danny, Jack, and his mother; on the side of the road during the film, we see the CORRECT COLORED car on the side of the road, crashed, allegedly trying to tell the viewer that Kubrick has PURPOSELY changed the film and is taking the wheel, so to speak, as a means of presenting something to us.

There are many YouTube videos that go over this with additional details, but one good one regarding the two first main points is:



Additional/Alternative theory regarding 'The Shining' Film in general can be found here:


I heard about the moon landing being bogus, but never got word of how 'The Shining' was involved. Love it. And, even more so, that the shinidantiv, suggested a new documentary, which I can include in documentary binge watching.

The Apollo moon missions were more than suspect. Anyone who doesn't have their doubts at all are simply asleep under mind controlled tv programming!

Stanley Kubrick was in a now famous photo appearing with top nasa employees and other US govt top officials to discuss working filming the moon landings on earth! After the production was complete for the world to watch, it waa said NASA were getting questioned over the authenticity by Hassleblad who provided the cameras and also Kodak who supplied the film suggesting NASAs official photos are faked which has since always put their credibility at doubt and the basis of the beginning of the conspiracy. After all the negative attention NASA received, they became unhappy with the quality of Kubricks work and all parties had a falling out. Its clear Kubrick was mocking NASA with his giveaway hoax exposures bundled into various movies he made. His last ever film when he died was called "Eyes Wide Shut" which was about the elitist illuminati types and secret parties with sex and rituals to expose the shady world of existence happening around us. Did they kill him for this movie and to stop any further risk of disclosures??

Anyone who still thinks the missions were real, ask yourself how was it possible in 1969 for president Richard Nixon from the white house on an old finger dial telephone to speak to Neil Armstrong in real time who was on the surface of the moon, with no delay, no distortion, no signal loss of weakness, no interference at all!! Here is the youtube video showing that conversation...checkout the comments on their and see how many laugh at this

Yet in 2017, on my iphone 7, I can often struggle to get good reception even when speaking with people a few miles away.

That is awesome info - thanks - I'd not heard about that photo. There's so much info out there now, I'm concentrating on Steeming and not rabbitholing iykwim so it's good to pick that up here - thanks for the quality comment - upvoted.

Have you seen the documentary movie Room 237? It's all about the movie The Shining and it's very interesting.

I love Room 237. To me, it's all about how an artwork can take on its own life and be interpreted all kinds of ways if the viewers are obsessed enough to do it.

On point!

I haven't, but I'll have to check that out! Thanks!

That's a Jay Weidner movie right? I think so. It's a really good synopsis imho

Had to look it up but yes it's with Jay Weidner :)

Kubrick was a genius as a director, but he was such a stickler for details and authenticity that if he was going to direct a fake moon landing he would probably want to fly to the moon to do it. Also it would take him two years to finish and he would go way over budget.

lolol nice one

I don't put too much stock in this or other conspiracy theories.
Stanley Kubrick was a very clever man when it came to messing with our minds. Well ... he's messing with your mind still.
Despite which, I upvoted you anyway.

Thanks! and yeah, I definitely don't subscribe to the theory, just wanted to see what other people thought. If nothing else, one just as plausible/more plausible theory is that he is a genius director who wants his film to be talked about forever and, thus, caters to the minds that look for hidden meaning so they'll search and search. who knows the truth, but you can't deny that there are 1000 other possible reasons for the things in the film. It could even be Kubrick being sarcastic.


Snopes, a site that truly cares about the truth, falsified the theory.

Kubrick did help fake the moon landing in my opinion. NASA is a huge lie.

Don't believe in conspiracy theories. It's wasting your time over nothing.

Almost every major conspiracy has been proven true. JFK was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. The US government is responsible for 9-11. GMOs are bad for you. Smoking does cause cancer> Fluoride is a poison and does not help teeth. Vaccines do not help they cause diese. I could go on and on, I think you should do a little research before making ignorant comments.

Only one of those things is proven true, but I'm not going to tell you which one. ;-)

Incorrect, everyone of them has been proven true, I do not guess, I research. ;)

First heard it about ten years ago. I love it as a theory! Fact is, you can do that with just about any movie. It just shows that people will believe anything if they want to badly enough.