First, I want to stick with where I agree with you, because it's not about "fixing", we have an over abundance of information, but a lack of education. I don't want you to doubt God, that's not my place, and I know there's a force greater than us, I once spoke to my "guardian angel" (not sure if the term is appropriate, but the advice never failed).
Yes, we have been lied to, in the worst of ways, by all.
I would have no choice to believe if is was a flat ball, it's more complex than that. Within my city has a height variation of around 600ft. Things get even more complicated with water. Theres temperature, across depth, current, atmospheric pressures, etc, that will impact how high it is relative...
Then, light bends with gravity, so, while you see in a straight line, the path the light takes does bend slightly with the earth, it's treated as negligible in the relative small distance of experiments, but at scale there's an effect.
General relativity; it was found, with GPS devices that they were giving messed up directions, ultimately, it required a software patch to synchronize the seconds because the relative speed of both was different to a degree that it was miscalculating locations.
Please watch the tesla spacex launch... You can skip about the first minute or two. As it increases in altitude you can clearly see the curvature of the earth.
Regarding the Tesla car in space, did you know that it is a STOCK FACTORY car?? Did you know that caars here on earth MELT on really hot days??? Did you know that the ISS and satellites have protective shielding to keep parts from melting at 250 degrees on the side facing the sun??? Now how come the stock TESLA car with plastic parts not MELT??? Because it is NOT IN SPACE, either is the ISS. This stuff is really hard to ACCEPT but use logic, why have we not gone back to the moon in 50 YEARS!!!!??? I would hope technology today would make the mission over 1,000 times safer but nope, NOTHING. AND, even back in the day people were saying the moon landings were fake. Spacex is just fancy CGI and a bunch of actors. Yes they probably shot a rocket up but no way in hell was the video of it coming down genuine. Even musk says it looks fake- they like to mock us they really do!
Yes, he strapped the space man symbolically, the don't panic is reference to hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.
This gets into materials related sciences. First, in space it's cold that would kill (ok, can debate on what would cause death first, but would be an icicle.
The reason such measures as that insulation, that's quite an ingenious solution. But it's not really the concern for the vehicle... Since the ambient temperature can be treated as about -450, and there is no atmosphere to really heat up, it's would be heating the metal / plastic to... I dunno the energy, but if it's heating it 250 degrees, the actual temperature of the materials is still going to be far below freezing.
Why it's a bigger deal on the space station is that there's an atmosphere that is heated... So, the ambient metal outside would be far closer to comfort temperatures (ignoring the cooling effect of space). So, yes, there is shielding...
Now, traveling to the moon, the moon landings themselves were not fake, but some footage WAS faked because they did not want to show the technology involved. As to why there isn't a moon base, that has more to do with politics and priorities of government. That does tie into why Musk decided to launch the spaceman, saying that humanity is going off planet.
If you go to the live video, the thing is far too close to earth to be live, I agree with you there.
Moon landings 1,000 % Fake! we can't even go today. More than likely Everything you said, you "know" because a scientist or physicist told you. You trust those people, I do not. People can make equations for anything, it doesn't make it true and most can't even understand it anyway. USELESS. Using simple logic, you can tell we did not go to the moon.