I took this without permission from A Call For An Uprising off youtube because I think that this guy is pretty close to the truth and his perspective needs to be spread.
I took this without permission from A Call For An Uprising off youtube because I think that this guy is pretty close to the truth and his perspective needs to be spread.
Can't watch it, not even on Youtool.
Sorry about that. I edited the description now. Probably got to close to the truth. There was nothing inappropriate in it. Should have uploaded it to d.tube. Lesson learned...
A call is good ive been posting all my vatican stuff to him as well as a man named chad swan who is a mason and talks about the two. I believe a man named adolfo nicolas is the real leader of it all from chemtrails to flat earth and it was one of their cells that was taken out. If you watch him then you know the vatican is behind all this with help from that family in england that wont leave.

So the Rothschilds are filthy rich but bad people?