
Mark Passio. If I had had more time, I would have done the artwork myself, but I was tired, so I just swiped it. And yes, it will be a miracle, but "miracles" happen to me all the time because I live within Natural Law principles, so I get what I need, basically, as if from the ether... but I call it God - just out of simplicity. Not God in a dogmatic religious way, but God, the Creator- the ALL - provides... right now everything is good. I do feel deeply overwhelmingly saddened by what is happening to the earth - the wild horses being rounded up an slaughtered or captured to be "saved" by the order-following BLM, the water-supply being flouridated and hormoned, the air being chemtrailed, the gmo's being let out into nature, the chimerra creations, the pedophile rings and the children subjected to SRA... I pray about that to the ALL... and living in a city, in an apartment, I participate in a lot of that, so I pray and keep my heart open about it, and to be shown what I can do, personally. I do carry the message of Natural Law to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, but I have to wade through a lot of flesh robots to find those people. I try to think that I plant a seed that might one day sprout. I try to do some art about it - post it on here. I enjoyed checking out your Yurt adventure. Good for you! It looks lovely.Hi @chalenlee - of course I will! I was just using this as a way to write a little article about the neofeiminist agenda and epi-eugenics, a term coined by

@in2itiveart, so glad to hear you're familiar with Mark Passio. It's sound like you've chosen to take on The Great Work, as he calls it. I'm on board with everything you've mentioned here, and intend to start talking about it once I've built more of an audience. I am inspired by your optimism in the midst of the great darkness that surrounds us... thank you!

your comment brought tears to my eyes this morning. Yes, well, I am alive so I have to fight the good fight from my very limited position here in the center of the New World Order city...I have been doing the Great Work for a very long time with a limited audience, that I would not have called it the great work till I found Mark Passio 2 years ago - so I guess that's what it is - and I try to expand it to everyone now if I can... and it is HARD WORK - not unlike shoveling rocks in the hot sun, I guess with only tiny glasses of water to keep you going. But people like you ARE those tiny glasses of water. Thanks for commenting - I will follow you and look forward to more. MP is going to start up a new podcast I think after Anarchopulco in Feb. Ivan Oyola is doing a Free Your Mind for Phoenix in March. I just put up a Free Your Mind wordpress yesterday that has nothing on it, but I am up for doing meetups with interested parties - we shall see what unfolds.

I've very glad that Mark Passio is getting back to public speaking after his hiatus. He seemed saddened by what he perceived as very little impact his work was having, but I think it just needed some time for people to process. It's heavy stuff! There are more and more people getting on board and taking up the torch. I suspect these tiny glasses of water are going to turn to wide flowing rivers soon enough, and it's about time!

Yes I think you are correct- it is a lot to process- it’s stuff we should have learned from kindergarten up that we did not compressed into about 2 years - and then u have to integrate it and then grow a pair - it’s a lot. But for example- a friend of mine who I have known for 5 years finally is ready for this information and just started listening to mp... and I am probably going to go back and listen again and add in the seminars... I feel that this is happening around the world- it cannot just be me and my friends - but it has to be right on time- it was provided by Gaia and God thru mp and others- and I look forward to the battlefield

I'm seeing the same thing, people are becoming ready, and I think it will continue to quicken.