Hey @michellecarter hey other steemians. Your post caught my eye as I am like you working hard to get the word out, just like you.
Are you aware of the work of Harald Kautz Vella?
His research and knowledge are astonishing.
This is a good video if you want to know more. I have also written about Morgellons on steemit and busy on other material.
Let's stay connected and collaborate.
Sending you light steemians :)
Hi @crowd4good, thanks for your post and comments.
Yes I've watched Harald Kautz Vella and have done energy work on black goo as well as Chemtrails, although I didn't include it in this post. I've chatted to Harald a few times via email and the black goo is used in churches, at the altar and the black boxes used in other religions, so I have done quite a bit of energy work on this.
I am happy to stay connected and collaborate. I do work on many issues though, flowing with where I am guided to work in the moment!
Love, Light & Blessings :)