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RE: The Dark Overlord Hackers Begin Releasing 9/11 Documents - WTF is Going On?!?! Legit Hack? Psyop? Fake Truthers? - '9/11 Papers MegaLeak'

in #conspiracy6 years ago

what documents do i need to prove it was a controlled demolition, no planes flew into any towers, and it was probably the biggest false flag in history which has allowed the rulers to implement a surveillance state in the west and perpetual war everywhere else?

like q anon and various other limited hangout non sense (i'm looking at you snowden) this is another cia psy op.

'stick your new world order up your arse.'

at-at 911 towers wtc.jpg


Bravo!!! How does that feel?

like this i think:

I say we start a Gofundme to RELEASE the kracken anyway.