The beauty of the two party system is that tricking the massive support base isn't really that difficult at all. People love their tribalism and picking sides. Go Team!
I don't think Trump will ever do anything to make me believe that he is actually clever. To me it seems like all the intelligent moves are the ones coming down the strings of the puppeteers. Maybe this is a mistake, or maybe it doesn't matter at all because the outcomes are the same regardless.
Maybe you are right, and that is the overall sense I’ve had all along, until more recently I’ve begun to wonder if Trump is actually more of a genius than I formerly thought.
But on the other hand maybe anything ‘genius’ that Trump does is only done from orders on high.
You’re certainly correct that it doesn’t really matter in the end, because the outcomes are the same either way. The two-party system marches on, and the sheeple voting for them continue to be tricked, time and time again.