 7 years ago (edited) 

They can forge anything they like with crisis actors, which they openly employ and even advertise job openings for these days (for drills). And how convenient that they were having a drill that very day for the exact scenario which happened - planes flying into buildings. Already had jets scrambled in the air for the drill and not one of them were able to stop the 2nd plane?

There was no plane debris at the Pentagon crash site - and no plane debris at the Pennsylvania crash site. Official report says they "vaporized upon impact"... LOL... Have you seen any plane crash where the plane and all the bodies and luggage and engines vaporized upon impact with the ground? No. Because it is physically impossible.

And to top it all off, we were led to believe the "terrorist" pulled this off with only box cutters? Were there no real men on those planes to take down a few tiny Arabs with box cutters? LOL, I'm a 5'1" female and I could've man handled those tiny 130-140 lb. Arabs with box cutters myself - even if one or two of them took a swipe at me with their barely sharp 1" blades! Think about it, one inch blades!