For me this realisation started about five years ago when I suddenly said “Hang on, that gay guy whose name is really Barry, is married to a man in a dress who Americans keep calling the first lady” But that man in a dress is an ex football player called Michael, whose dick keeps sticking out the front of his dress.
And so I started wondering why so few Americans seemed to notice that their country was being run by a gay zionist puppet alongside a totally unconvincing drag queen.
Michael the drag queen is not the typical celeb tranny because he has a penis (rumoured to be bigger than Barry’s) Most famous trannies don’t have a penis and like to show off their crotches in bikinis and hot pants.
What often gives them away are shoulders wider than hips, big heads with square jaws, brow ridges, big ears, big necks, big hands with the wrong finger ratios, muscly arms, low body fat, no feminine curves, fake boobs that keep changing size, and hips the width of 10 year old boys. There are a bunch of other things but I’m trying to keep this simple.
This video of Prince Harry’s previous ten “girlfriends” – all of whom are trannies, is a good introduction to this bizarre subject:
As well as being famous (but mostly totally crap) TV presenters, actress, and pop stars, some of them do actually have a real talent. They are good at sport, and win lots of competitions. That is because a man in a dress is generally going to spank the living crap out of most woman on a sports field.
And the best example of this is Sarena Williams, one of two boys who were raised to be “female” pro tennis players. Recently “she” went psycho on court and a few more people noticed – yes that man in a dress looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger for fucks sake. Wake up people…
A favourite ploy of all these trannies is fake pregnancies (baby bump suits followed by an adopted child) And the sheeple fall for that crap, hook line and sinker even after the heroic “mother” starts posing for photos of “her” abs a week after giving birth. Ignoring the fact that “her” body fat ratio was far too low to ever get pregnant anyway. And those narrow hips would have gone very badly anyway.
Here are some other famous male to female trannies who are being heavily promoted by the zionist/satanist media.
Taylor Swift
No real talent, but she sells millions of albums anyway and is very good at doing satanic signs which reveal her huge hands
Now check out that hot 10 year old boy in drag body!
Cameron Diaz
Tranny’s tend to age badly and look more manly every year – Cameron Diaz is a good example.
Spot the dick!
Spot the curves!
Tranny characteristics
Consistent clues include a straight back and small arse.
The love of standing with hands in pockets.
Big square jaws (there are bunch of other signs around the head, like big ears, Adam’s apples, brow ridges etc. But I’m still aiming to keep this simple)
Big muscly arms
No curves – NONE!
Always trying to appear wider in the hips
And those wide shoulders (how on earth is that attractive?)
In the zionist media they are frigging EVERYWHERE – keep your eyes open!
In real life they pretty much don’t exist – have you ever actually seen a woman who looked like a 10 year old boy?
I’m sticking to male to female trannys here because the female to male ones are harder to spot – Ed Sheridan and Justin Bieber both being likely examples. (Tattoos are one of the ways they attempt to look more masculine)
So you just can’t get enough trannies? – Pervert! - here are a few more to check out
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Sandra Bullock
Nice adam’s apple!
Katy Perry
Sandra Bernhard
From Spice Girl days
Joanie “Chyna” Laurer
Lizzie Grubman
Yet another Prince Harry ex
Robbie Williams with his “wife” – yeah right…
Seriously, if you think those are women, I have a new crypto currency token to sell you…
Note to Cheetah - when I originally tried to upload this post Steemit was transitioning so I came out on my blog first instead
I haven't put much time into who is a transgender and who is not, but some of them are obvious. Michael Obama is for sure and so is Ivan (Ivanka) Trump. The best way to be sure is to look at the hands. If the ring finger is longer than the index finger it's a man to 99,9%. Both Michael and Ivan has longer ring finger
Ivanka Trump is certainly suspect, but I can't find pictures that really prove it - she has wide shoulders and breast implants, but maybe some female curves?
I don't think the finger thing is fully reliable, my own index finger is markedly longer than my ring finger but I'm hopefully still a man. Hell I'm 6'4" with size US14 feet...
Try to find photos of when he is like 10 years old. Looks like a boy with long hair, you can also se the shape of his body at a young age. With Ivanka it's hard because they started early with hormones I believe. About the fingers, there are exceptions. I can make my index finger longer if I twist my hand in an unnatural way. But if you press your palm on a flat surface, spread your fingers and then put them together you should have your natural shape. Sometimes when I show it to people they force them selves to show me I'm wrong. When they press their hand to a table the ring finger becomes longer. But like I said there are exceptions :)
There was videos and photos of Ivanka before but I know many videos has been taken down and I haven't searched for photos in a long time. I don't care about this anymore, I think there is a bigger agenda behind it. Depopulation maybe?
Yeah I think depopulation is a big aim
Everything to do with chump is as suspicious as hell, but I can't find any solid evidence on ivanka - really need a bikini shot to show belly button height and any side curves
Here is my delicate little feminine hand :)
Lay off the drugs...seriously! :)

When I wrote this post i thought I was being out there - but from what I've learned since I'd now say ALL female American celebs, and ALL pro female tennis players - and that is just the start...
Madonna in Rocky I mode (before fighting with Apollo)
(after fighting with Apollo)
He's so hot! :)
I never thought about it, but MAdoNna is almost the same MANdona, just by moving a letter...
And if you wanted something hot from him, I leave this gift! !!!! ;)
"I'm a Gay Man and Dream of Brad Pitt" - Mandonna
I have oral anguish, and I love sticking my long finger into my mouth ... "deeper and deeper" - Brad, the queen of latex
There is nothing strange going on here...
1 - Daughter transformed into a son?
2 - cloning of Zac Hanson?
Not a topic I've looked into really but I think I have to give you this one as most likely, without doing any research.

Hey, did I hear correctly? Are you guys not allowed to have gardens over there in NZ anymore? I could ask google but I'd rather ask you.
No that is utter crap - people on Steemit seem to be repeating that story - most people in NZ have gardens, so I don't know where that came from - maybe a state in America?
It's the national hobby!
"Gardening is a popular pastime in New Zealand and a range of books, magazines and television programmes are dedicated to the topic"
Now that I have that from a reputable source I decided I'd google it. Geeze, that story is 2 years old!
I was hoping to hear it was some crazy thing to do with evil plant roots interfering with all of the tech-bazillionaire bunkers they say you have over there!
The bunker stories are 90% fake as well - there are just a couple of wealthy recluses
They make south Wiarapa sound so great - it's not! - just a distant farming area with a very average climate and no real attractions
I'm trying to think of any other NZ things I should ask you about...
When is kiwifruit season?
They are a summer fruit - so November to February is the main season
Do you get the gold ones or just the hairy green ones?
I don't think I've ever had the gold ones. We do love the hairy green ones though!
I order fruit direct from farmers sometimes, oranges and stuff. I wonder how crazy it would be to order in from New Zealand. I shipped a book to Austrailia recently and that was $25. I bet it would be worth the air fare though. Maybe you could point me to an excellent little organic farmer practicing permaculture that happens to ship worldwide?! Anyone like that exist? The permaculture part might be a bit to ask but a girl can dream.
Are those true facts?
You really did drag out this post a little!
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do you want to break free?
That vid is such a classic - i used to think it was a comedy - now I just see every "female" celeb but without a millionth of the talent - and if Freddy had a shave he would have been better looking too!
And he had wider hips...
No need for apologies in here :)
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I can't help it, I may still be male...
lol how rigged was that....the insiders made a fortune on that result, as it firmed in the betting from 50-1+ into favourite in last couple of days....what an effing surprise....NOT
What on earth are you on about?
Are you transitioning?
Sorry it dragged on - don't worry about shepz1 he is trying to out everyone on Steemit who has a dirty secret...
That bit about them aging fast is oh so true, as in Thailand (as you know I lived there) the shemales on average live to 30 ish, as a lot of them commit suicide when their looks fade, and reality bites that they look like a dude.
Is it true that tourists go there to shag them?
There used to be a shemale area in Wellington and people went there because it was cheaper...
Lyall Bay toilets, Wellington - oh my god that is just down the road from us - but it's very respectable these days :)
but holy crap check out the top search result - bottom center
More dudes doing them than the females bro.
One of the best parts regards to owning a bar in Thailand, was watching young guys that had come for the first time, walking home with trannies and not realizing who they were taking home. :-)
I guess they want wild times...
More like dick up their bums.
LOL - dig that dirt!
Only just getting started broskie :-) you know me, I am thorough to say the least.
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You would like 3creepytv on youtube. I like watching that guys channel, lots of good "conspiracy" type content.
Posted using Partiko Android
Jeepers his vids are pretty appalling aren't they? - is he for real or another jewtube psyop?
I just watched that video the other day! Lol Not a very good one by him but I think he is serious. As far as psyop I'd say possibly considering his clickbait titles compared to the amount of views he gets.
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Angelina is certainly a tranny but I'm still not sure about Brad...
People seriously fell for this? - And then "breast removal"...
I mean... they removed his beard in photoshop. Haha it's convincing to me really but I also didn't realize how prevalent this gender movement has been for such a long time.
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In addition to the above:
wide shoulders - square face - huge hands
No ass - No hips - long arms
His daughter is a bit odd too...
I was looking into this for a while and it's just sick how people don't see what is happening in front of their eyes.
But on the other hand - people don't see that the ball we are supposed to live on is fake too.
There are lands we do not know of. There is free energy. There is knowledge.
Thanks for the post.
Yes there are a huge amount of fake info being presented.
You will probably disagree with me on this but I think two of the biggest psyops at the moment are q-anon and flat earth - both designed to discredit "conspiracy theory"
this vid is hillarious
Thing is - when you start researching it, the curvature simply isn't there. It's a plane, dude.
You'd love my flat earth post
So, I have a daughter with a very masculine body. She went to college on a full ride scholarship for... Yep Track and Field. She still holds many records.
I happen to know for sure what her gender is. While I don't dispute what you are saying. It isn't that cut and dried.
My theory with the daughter is she must have got some mixed up hormones. By the way, she is a fantasic person and a joy to know.
Her body looks like some of the swimsuit shots above.
But is she in Hollywood or the Olympics? - I know women are becoming masculine more each decade, but at the illuminati elite level it's way beyond that - you weren't serious about Julia Roberts were you?
Give "Julia" 10 years!
I don’t understand why this would be an issue if it were true. What would the transgender person be hoping to gain from making people think they are actually female?
I mean I get it from a sports point of view. A transgender tennis player has a huge advantage over an actual female. But what about the celebs? What would they gain?
They get financial reward from the zionist illuminati who are working towards agenda 2030 for eugenics reasons - and promoting infertility in all it's forms is part of that agenda.
But mainly they get full on support and promotion in the zionist "entertainment" industry despite the fact that most of them have no talent at all - Justine Bieber...LOL...
Lol I know right, with this gender bullshit going on everyone is coming out of the closet or changing their gender.
Thanks for post and for making me laugh!
It's a real rabbit hole isn't it?
At least now I know why I don't like any Hollywood actresses...
Kate Blanchart is actually a bleeding Aussie - but Aussies are right into trannies too.
At a loss for words honestly. Its rare that I get to witness this level of ignorance.
Yes it blows me away too, but even when things are blatantly obvious most sheeple seem to miss them...
PS - some interesting vids here:
I wish that Portia's picture was your only doubt ... for worse, she was dating Ellene De Generes, and her current girlfriend is Francesca Gregorini ... two extremely possible cases of MTF (Male To Female) ...
To tell the truth I don't really have any doubts that everyone here is a tranny.
The only female celeb I think could be female is Britney - I'm still looking for other suggestions...
And I'm only half joking here!
I also generate a lot of doubt ... especially the part of the adonis bell, which always seems to be covered ... also his back and shoulders are rare, I would say that they are more of a man than a woman ...
Can you find any female celeb in America who isn't a tranny?
It's not easy - here are a couple of hard chargers....
Julia Roberts?
He is certainly a good example! As tranny as they get...
I've got to the point where I think of each male trait as a sign, and I'm looking to see 10 signs. And then on top of that they need to be a celeb.
Only then I'm pretty sure
Check this - the 10 "sexiest actresses" in America are all trannies!
Sandra Bollocks sexy???? WTF?
They are all part of agenda 2030?
Clones - I've just gotten a new interest in clones!
Yeah - i have no idea who she is but she certainly looks a lot older and more trans in vids than she does in her publicity photos...
You are such a loyal fan :)
I don't think those morons are clones, but there may be something to the taylor swift story.
Maybe... Shes a tranny and a satanist, but clone is pushing things...
Thanks I'll check that out.
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And check out this one - next US president?
Amazing what some hip pads can do
Fat men pile it all on the stomach - by adding hip pads she hides the male pattern obesity.
And big hair hides hides the big head. But her whole persona is male drag queen