As if the world was not already crazy enough ! Why has this flat earth theory taken off ??

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

Can anybody please tell me why suddenly there are so many people walking around saying the world is flat ?

This is not particularly meant to be a post, but i would like to just provoke some of you here to give me your thoughts on this madness !!

By the way, for this post to be valuable to me i need your comments and not your votes !! thanks !!

here is a flat earth group on Facebook to give you an idea how far it has gone !


The madness is believing the 'science' that doesn't add up. The key is to have an open mind and do the research. The answers and shift in perception are so obvious once this happens.

ok, so are you suggesting then that the earth we live on could be flat ?? would seem so !! thank you for the comment !! ; - )

so then you say something in science does not add up ?? What would that be for you please ??

My only request is to keep an open mind and spend maybe 10 hours researching things like earth curvature, gravitational pull and the moon orbit, distance of celestial bodies, flight path apps in the southern hemisphere, NASA image inconsistencies, corpuscula sun rays, I could go on but you get the idea. If 10 hours seems too much time to re-examine what kind of place you live on then I would say to remain with mainstreem collective perception is your best bet. I can tell you from experience, it is not particularly pleasant to be ridiculed, but like with the 911 truth seekers, when your perception changes it is difficult to unchange.

Because they want to find the earth edge end make epic fall to the eternity :)

hahahaha !!!! hey there smailer hru going ?? want a coffee ?? ; - ) yeah maybe you are right !! so what do they do when they find out eternity does not exist for them ??

as usually they will say "WOW" or "OOOPs!" :)

yes indeed you are most certainly right there !! ; - )

deliberate manipulation. look up James Milgram and common core, i would put a youtube link here but that has the tendency to dominate people's posts. the schools are being destroyed more than they were before. i have seen a few intelligent, thoughtful, knowledgeable people on steemit but also, amazingly useless drivel. the drivel pretty much has consumed my offline world. it's like the f**king body snatchers.

"Perspective is the art of drawing any object on a plane surface."