Yes, I know. There is so much information out there that it becomes almost impossible to find out what is actually true. I was only hoping to get some kind of personal experience on which kind of information or source seemed to be the most credible to you. From all the stuff I tried Turmeric seems to be the only "Magic Bullet" which actually works for my pain management. But thanks for your response!
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Check out serrapeptase! It is AMAZING!
Also read up on dmso. Ive had chronic pain for 11 years. Serrapeptase is a life saver. I get mine from The drs best brand at 120,000 ipu's. If turmeric is helping i think youll love serrapeptase.
Thank you!!! I will check it out!
EDIT: Just ordered it, I will give it a try. Thank you so much for the tip! Highly appreciated!!!
Lol, you didn't waste any time :), that is awsome! Just an fyi, youll want to take it on an empty stomach. So in the mornings or 2.5 hrs after a meal. Also its safe to take more. My father who has no health issues has been taking 6 (2,2,&2) a day just for health as it cleans plaque out of your arteries among other benefits. Cheers mate, lmk how it goes.
I should get them tomorrow. Will take them for a while and let you know what happened :)
BTW, are you interested in crypto? I am currently watching a fascinating video on youtube about it.
It's a bit hard to watch because the lady has a strong russian accents, but she makes some points which seem to be VERY reasonable. She basically calls crypto an AI virus, something I have suspected it to be for quite a while now. So just in case that catches raises your curiosity...
The Cryptocurrencies - Artificial Intelligence Virus Sold as "Freedom" Money, Bitcoin AI
Stay in touch, cheers!!!
Turmeric, helps me as well. I have taken high potency pills to help with my back pain & arthritis, works wonders! I buy a bulk 1lb. bag of it for cooking and making teas. I have heard that you should be careful with taking to much as it may be harmful to gut flora... a probiotic supplement and healthy gut helpers to offset (unpasteurized Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kombucha, Mangoes, etc)
Yep, sorry, I have no specific links on the previous subject. 🤠 👋
I put turmeric into capsules because I am not so crazy about the taste and take about 6 capsules a day. Works great and no side effects for me. From the day I first I took it I have not had any major pain flare ups anymore.
Glad you found something that works for you, take care & stay vigilant ;)