I am afraid this is only a lesson for everybody to not offend our BFF's in any way.
No matter how high up the ladder you are, a politician or a movie star, if you voice an opposing opinion about ANY member of God's chosen people or any of their objectives, you will be destroyed. According to CNN, the term "Globalist" is deemed Antis*****c. Supporting the Se****c tribe of Palestinians as well.
We have missed the boat a long time ago. A seventy year long effort is now paying off. God's chosen people are in powerful positions everywhere. They have back-doors to ANY computer worldwide. No joke.
They design most available security software and systems. They "curate" wikipedia.
No one criticizing our Best Friends Forever will receive positive press and will have public opinion against him. There is no platform left. In Germany people go to jail for presenting inconvenient facts.
Hurricane victims in Texas had to sign agreements not to speak up against Is**el in order to get financial aid. In my own experience it is also not a good idea to touch on this subject on steemit if you want to avoid being attacked.
As proposed several times from various sources over hundred years ago, God's chosen people will rule the world. If you look who is in power in most governments and important institutions like banks or media you will get my drift. We better come to peace with this reality. Or else.
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When this man stepped forward and said the things that he did the first thing that I said is "I wonder if he knows the size of the hornet nest that he is kicking?" As far as the title of "God's Chosen People", that in itself is an article and a half of extensive research that has led to a division which reaches it's arms from the furthest reaches of the globe all the way to the homeland of Israel (named after Jacob who wrestled with God all night until the morning broke.) There is a hidden conflict between the Judea Rabbi's and the Zionists which touches on this very subject and I for one am not qualified to comment on it as even I find myself getting lost in the details of a people who's capital is over 5000 years old. All I can do is research. I do feel that in order to know a people one must start with getting to know "What they believe" and work from there. I'm pretty "in the know" as far as who sits in the highest seats and instructs our leaders on what the "business of the day" will be but the why is irrelevant as orders are meant to be followed, not questioned. This man spoke out and while a part of me feels like some cages need to be rattled, my main concern with the subject matter of this article lies with the fact that we are a part of a generation that has become both blind and mentally impotent. Just two days ago we witnessed full blown winter blizzards that lasted for the better part of an hour followed by 5 to 10 minute breaks of warm sunshine before the clouds would almost instantly darken again followed by sudden "Cold-Snaps" and this weather proceeded to "rinse and repeat" if-you-will throughout the course of the entire day! I won't begin to say that I know the how or why but I am bothered by the fact that people do not at the very least acknowledge that there IS a problem! I have been studying this weather and several weeks ago I made a prediction. (based on a scientific hunch of what I think this might be preparations for) I put my sanity on the line and told her (my woman) in these exact words "When you see a lightning storm mixed with snow, it is time for us to finish "getting ready" and wouldn't you know that Monday in the middle of the Flash-Snow-Blizzard we heard a loud crackle of thunder that rumbled our entire house! I am no Meteorologist (not that I think one could help with this) but I DO know what kind of weather those are the ingredients for......(all I can say here) We should all get ready for the complete global "Climate Chaos" that we were warned about by the French Foreign Minister.
Lately I have been looking into ancient artifacts, specifically megalithic structures but also more recent history. There is quite some evidence available suggesting that history as we know it is CONSTRUCTED and does not reflect reality. There is also evidence suggesting that the whole "Abrahamic" story is an invention, nothing like that ever happened. Genetic evidence also points into the direction that God's chosen people are not what they would like to make us believe. There are even books written by I$r@eli scholars who suggest exactly that, but they are probably anti$3m!t!c. This is a VERY deep and very sinister rabbit hole.
We follow exactly what you say when it comes to history being constructed and certain genetics not lining up with particular claims that are supported by the history that we have been taught. There is some truth behind every angle that we have found regarding this (I follow 100% what you are saying) and upon digging I have found another puzzle piece hidden beneath the surface with each new finding. Sinister rabbit hole indeed and what the full picture is that will be presented once all pieces of the jigsaw are in place is what bothers me.... Are we ready to know?
Honestly, I am not sure if I am ready to know. Just read a post by @richq11 about cannibalism and pedophilia. This might be somehow linked together at the end. The world how I see it is already bad enough. If any of this is actually true, I am not sure if I could take it. I rather live in doubt and see myself as a conspiracy theorist than to find that the truth means that we actually live in hell already. I know. I am a coward.
Nothing about your comment says "cowardice". On the part about cannibalism I would recommend researching the term "clean meat" because this is the elite's answer to that scenario. To begin solving the issues of hunger and starvation by providing us with lab-created human meat for consumption/digestion.
I know. And Richard Dawkins helps to promote and normalize it. I used to be an admirer of him, back in the days. When I started my journey to find the truth I did not expect to find anything remotely as evil as what I am finding now. And it never seems to end, it always get's uglier and filthier. Enough already.
Partner here - I feel your pain... the never ending cycle. Keep up the good fight buddy!