in #conspiracy7 years ago


Contest Rules

Personal Experience is Encouraged!Submit Art about Controversial Topics - in the news, or underground media, such as MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse, Chemtrails, Water Flouridation, GMOs, The Occult. #pizzagate, The New World Order, False Flags, Colony Collapse of Bees, The Environment, The 2nd Amendment, Attack on Free Speech, Solipsism, etc.

Please include a short paragraph describing the visual: Title, size, media and why you were inspired to create the artwork.

1.  Upvote, and Resteem this POST
2.  Make the first tag of your submission #Controversy-ART
3.  Post a link to your Submission in the comments of this Post
4.  Enter as many pieces as you wish, separately following contest rules to a T.
5.  Please include a short paragraph describing the visual: Title, size, media and why you were inspired to create the artwork.
6.  You need not be an artist to enter this contest!

No CONTROVERSIAL topic is Taboo, however mainstream accepted topics will be disregarded. This is NOT a platform for erotica.

Purpose of Contest

...To encourage Artists to express themselves visually on controversial topics, to WAKE PEOPLE UP! Art used to be about telling the REAL NEWS in pictures!!! We have that opportunity again people!!!

Winners and Winnings

I will choose the piece I like the best, on January 18, 2018, and will award 5SBD plus the Upvote Earnings from the contest.

Here's a link to last month's winners and entries!


I LOVE THIS !!! I love the painting - and it is inspiring me to do something more haphazard in away - like tell the story on the surface of a painting where it visually does not have to make sense but can just be like a collage of different ideas... I will have to think about this... I love the whole story its so amazing! I followed you through it as if I was there myself - pretty much exactly why I don't have a "career" other than "artist" - because I don't make a living at it - because that would mean I would be going along with the status quo - for sure - but tell me more about this phrase consciousness creates reality by way of scalar physics. That sounds like something I can sink my teeth into!

Happy that I inspired you! <3

The scalar field is like, the god-consciousness field. God is just super-luminal informational light. Tesla found out that 2 equal waves that are imposed at 90 degrees from one other create a new kind of wave that transends space and time.

That scalar field is what is altering the quantum fabric of reality. Combine every single human's scalar field of information and you get the world we live in today.

More on the brain and scalar potential.

Check out my post on Tom Paladinos scalar energy healing. I did it for 15 days and it was really something. I describe my experience with it.
brain waves tesla 77.PNGI love these contests @in2itiveart, really, quite possibly the best thing on steemit right now

wow thanks for the complement. I am going to look into this scalar stuff - so this image above is another piece of art really - ofyour experience with the scalar healing?

that image of the brain there, is not my image. its a google image that i found searching "scalar brain waves" i included it because visually, it kind of illustrates what im talking about. and yeah, the scalar stuff is the future. im going to buy a "scalar rest sheild" with my chirstmas money which will put a protective 40 foot bubble around it, protecting you from EMF and aligning all your cells to the correct "information" ill post about it when i do.

"Check out my post on Tom Paladinos scalar energy healing. I did it for 15 days and it was really something. I describe my experience with it." - where do you describe your experience with it?

oops! i thought i went through my experience. ok, I added to the post:

My experience with Tom Paladino's Scalar energy healing is as such: For all of the 15 days I was on the treatment, I would wake up before the sun came up feeling completely refreshed. I would have the most vivid dreams while I was asleep. Caffeine no longer affected me. I would drink coffee and feel no effects from the caffeine. I no longer had a craving for a cigarette. It sort of felt like I was on some kind of really mild psychedelic drug. After the first night, in the morning I had a strange nosebleed, and felt like I had a mild hangover. This is from the cleanse reaction and is why this treatment can sometimes be harmful to people who are super toxic because it creates millions of dead pathogens in the blood that need to be flushed out. I know it wasn't a regular de-toxing phenomenon because I had gotten off coffee and cigs 4 days prior to the scalar treatment. By the 16th day, I had kind of forgot that I was on the treatment and I felt a "come-down" I wasn't sure why I felt kind of tired around 5pm when I was getting out of work. For the last 15 days, 5 o clock would come around and I would still have fully energy to do whatever it was I wanted to do after work. So, while there was no way for me to test if it eradicated all malevolent pathogens in the body, I feel like it did. And while it could still just be a placebo, it doesn't really matter, as long as it works.

wow... got a lot to think about... this is beyond me... I could barely understand what he was talking about after he finished re bending the metal - I want to know how they did that!

I think I may engage in the future.. great idea!

followers include Dahboo7,Davidicke,21wire etc...If you are on twitter, I am @reptoid_hunter

No I am not on Twitter... next time

Excellent article

what an amazing idea i am definitely going to resteem it so the people can participate and shoe their talent.
i know you are creative but today u provide you care for people and artists too. Stay blessed.

hey thanks!!! that's kind of you!!!