
did you edit your comment after someone already replied to it? tsk tsk

I'm tired of being (rightly or wrongly) defensive. So I removed it in frustration.

If people (innocently or not) want to think Jews run the world, despite what my visa bill says, I can't just keep fighting it... NB; I think @apolymask is being genuine in his questioning, but I can't say the same about every reader. (My original reason for commenting.)

Sorry @apolymask and @solarguy for causing any irritation, from my breaking this etiquette, by removing the comments...

As Wikipedia states W is represented in Hebrew as such, both in modern and ancient times. From my research outside of wikipedia, it was more in ancient times.

And once again. Even if there is no technical W in Hebrew, that wouldn't stop others who are using different languages from using it in such ways.

But why you even mentioned Hebrew when speaking about W's is just not correct... (That is the conspiracy stuff that makes this difficult to deal with, and obviously, confuses people...)

Cause the overwhelming evidence shows a correlation. That's why. Despite you saying there's no connection I can find overwhelming amounts of connections online and I haven't even looked that deep. What you're saying isn't synching up with what I'm learning elsewhere.

That doesn't mean you are wrong per se, but.. It doesn't necessarily mean you're right either.

I think people have a valid and good reason to be suspicious that WWW = 666 in numerous languages.

Well, if you are right, then all of these different sites on the internet are wrong. And that could be. As I said, I'm still kind of new to researching this and I haven't made a conclusion if a final conclusion is even possible for me. So.. I respect your opinion and I see that it is in conflict with what all these other sites are saying.. And I'm just not in a position to say who is right. I don't know. But I am opening discussion and I'm learning more about the subject in general and I appreciate your feedback and your point of view.

If I want to learn about Christianity, I'd go to Christians and their sources, about math, to mathematicians, about stars to astronomers.

Frankly, I care more that you watch those Kab vids than I do about this. You will know why if/as you proceed... I feel like I'm fighting everyone lately with all this Jewish talk on steemit the last couple weeks, and am tired... I remain open to discussing with you, but I hope you understand for now...