Democracy, Elections & Puppet Politicians: Round and Round we go on the Political Merry-Go-Round, Perpetuating Endless War & the Enslavement of Humanity

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

You can't be neutral on a moving train - this "broken" political system is inherently evil, that's why every attempt to "fix" it has been in vain. The fraudulent 2-party system must certainly die, so it's time to tell the political whores of the War Machine good-bye.

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You can't be neutral on a moving train. You have only two real options, you either stay on the train or you jump off. Sure you can switch train cars all day long but at the end of the day you're still on the same moving train, barreling towards the same destination. The American establishment political system of democracy is the moving train, driving the Empire's War Machine further forward every day, as it continues barreling towards its final destination - the total enslavement of humanity - through perpetual war for profit and the Empire's geopolitical conquest of the earth, leaving only a long and bloody path of death and destruction in its tracks.

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Meanwhile most Americans have already bought their tickets and are passengers aboard this train, thinking that if they only switch train cars enough times or elect a better train staff - engineers and conductors and such - then maybe they as passengers can help change the path of the train or at least put the brakes on a little, eventually slowing or maybe even stopping the War Machine. But alas, this is exactly what the owners of the train want the passengers to believe, so that they never stop buying tickets or supporting the train staff, or worst of all choose to jump off the train entirely. Electing a new train staff won't ever help the passengers slow or stop the train, as the train operators work for the owners rather than the passengers, though they pretend otherwise, and the owners are intent on the train reaching its final destination.

Most of the passengers must not realize that the train is actually a prison and they are the prisoners, their money for the train tickets pays for maintenance and fuel, and their consent of the train ride manufactured by the train staff, which is seen in their choice to not jump off the train, gives the train and its operators the illusion of legitimacy.

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As long as we keep paying for train tickets and choosing to stay on the train, no matter how many times we switch train cars, no matter which train car we choose to be on, and no matter who is elected to drive the train, the War Machine will continue rolling forwards, leaving a larger and larger swath of death and destruction behind it the longer this political train keeps moving down the tracks.


If we ever hope to be truly free or to see world peace, it's time to stop giving this evil political system our consent. Seriously, not voting is literally one of the simplest direct acts of resistance available to us, but come hell or high water, on election day the people still go running down to the rigged tyranny-consent boxes to endorse yet another lying thieving slave master.

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You can't be neutral on a moving train. We've all seen where this train's going, and it's been barreling forwards at an ever increasing speed and velocity for 17 years since 9/11/01 - no matter what the people do, no matter who we vote for - it never changes course, it never slows, and it will never come to a stop on its own. There are too many vested interests in the War Machine by too many rich and powerful entities for it to be stopped without immense and intense pressure by humanity, and even this is more or less ineffective on its own without the withdrawal of our consent from their system.


After all, they were willing to murder 3,000 people on American soil and blame the attack on al-CIA-duh just to keep the War Machine rolling forward at the desired speed, so do you really think these powerful monsters hiding in the shadows are scared of Americans casting our votes into their machines, in elections in which only puppets and sellouts get on the ballot? Or might they be more terrified of a mass vote revolt: We the People refusing to vote on election day and withdrawing our consent entirely from the corrupt political system which feeds the wretched War Machine?


Besides, the American political system which is built on deception, robbery and extortion has created a very large pot of government plunder, and there are far too many greedy entities with vested interests in a share of this plunder for the system to every stop plundering the people. The War Machine gets one of the biggest shares of this plunder at $700 billion a year, and as long as the government system continues to plunder the people, our money will surely be used to fund the War Machine and the War Machine will continue marching forward unrestrained. This system is not broken, it is corrupt by design, and it is working very successfully just as it was designed to work, by and for the bands of armed robbers plundering the American People via taxation, inflation, debt slavery (interest/usury), fines, fees, asset forfeiture and even mortgage fraud.

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. - Frederic Bastiat
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It's time to kill the War Machine, but in order to do so we have to be willing to take a risk and jump off the train, abandoning the entire system of government which gave it life. Because the entire system is built on fraud, deception, and the State's monopoly of force - their "right" to initiate force or violence against peaceful human beings at any time - and as such the whole government/political system is inherently evil.

You see, theft is wrong, even if the government does it and calls it a tax. Armed robbery is wrong, no matter what government agency does it and no matter what they call it, whether taxation, asset forfeiture or anything else. Extortion is wrong, even if a cop does it and calls it a fine, or if the DMV does it and calls it your vehicle registration fee. Kidnapping is wrong, even if the State does it and calls it an arrest, so long as the arrested person didn't initiate violence against another. Holding a kidnapped prisoner hostage for ransom is an evil practice nasty drug cartels in South America and ISIS terrorists in Syria do, but it's still just as wrong when a US state or the federal government holds a peaceful prisoner locked in a metal cage hostage for a ransom, calling it bail money.

Murder is wrong, no matter what government agency does it, even if they call it "justified," because killing is never justified unless it is in self defense, and the State is a corporation unable to act in self defense, while its agents are the biggest initiators of force and violence in the country. It's like a mafia enforcer being attacked by a store owner when he comes by to collect the mandatory "protection" fee, who then shoots the store owner in the head and calls it a justifiable homicide citing self defense because the owner attacked him. But this is exactly what the State does...

And murder you in cold blood they certainly will, if you won't stop speaking truth to power and are successful enough at exposing the injustice, or if you are able to launch or lead a successful peaceful resistance movement - and they will do it without even the slightest hesitation. Just like they murdered Bill Cooper on his doorstep in November of 2001, just like they attempted to murder Jeff Weinhaus on 9/11/12 with a bullet to the head, and just like they ambushed and murdered LaVoy Finicum in January of 2016 on the side of a remote Oregon highway. How many more brave and peaceful American heroes will they assassinate or cage like animals for life, before the People decide that enough is enough?

Below is a video I put together last year about the attempted murder of Jeffrey Weinhaus, which also includes mention of and video footage of the murder of LaVoy Finicum:

And if you're unfamiliar with the life and death of Bill Cooper, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself, as most of his predictions have now come true.

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Mass murder is even more wrong, even if it is called war and it's our military doing it, and even it's being done in the name of democracy; because neither Afghanistan, nor Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen or Iran have ever attacked America. Not a one of those nations has ever attacked American citizens on American soil and yet the US Empire either recently has, is currently, or will soon be waging war against them all. I guess it's okay though, because we're just spreading our awesome democracy to the rest of the world, and, well, you know, 9/11 & evil terrorists...


All sarcasm aside, any initiation of force or violence against peaceful people, and all threats of force or violence against peaceful human beings is wrong, but this is exactly what the US government does, this is exactly what the state governments do, as this is simply the nature of the State and the only way for it to retain its monopoly on force. It is the only way the dens of robbers can continue plundering the people, so as long as the system remains in place with the consent of the people, the plunder will certainly continue. In reality the US government is one of, if not the largest and most deadly criminal organization in the world, on a scale the Mafia could only dream of.

If, then, taxation is compulsory, and indistinguishable from theft, it follows that the State, which subsists on taxation, is a vast criminal organization far more formidable than any "private" Mafia in history. - Murray Rothbard

If we are not willing to abandon this evil system, then why on earth do we suppose the system will listen to us when we demand they abandon their evil warmongering or allegiance to the Empire's perpetual war?

The people don't know their true power, and don't understand the power of their manufactured consent, or the power of withdrawing that consent, and doing so in the form of not voting is just one example. The little power the people think they have in the political system is typically used to endorse various liars and puppet politicians with a vote, or worse by investing time, money and energy into politics when they could be abandoning the entire corrupt, evil system of extortion and robbery run by the American government. The simple act of not voting, by enough people, this simple withdrawal of consent from a system of legalized plunder is a far more effective act of resistance than a vote for any political candidate, even a 3rd-party candidate.


Round and Round We Go...

Round and Round We Go In The Corrupt Two Party Hamster Wheel Show........Meanwhile Here's Proof of Real Nazis and Terrorists Supported By The US Government by @clarityofsignal

It doesn't matter which train car you ride in, you're still sitting on the same moving train. It doesn't matter what side of the bird you fly on, right wing or left wing, you're still on the same damn bird. It doesn't matter which leg of the monster you cling to, right leg, left leg, it's the same damn monster, and when you are no longer of use to the monster and he throws you off his leg and tramples all over you, it won't matter if it's the left boot or the right boot grinding your face into the ground.


Politics is nothing but a massive smoke and mirrors show to distract you from the deeper truth, that humanity is enslaved while falsely believing they are free, but not destined to live in this state of perpetual warfare and slavery, and to keep your eyes hidden from the real solutions to the real problems in this world. It's the same stupid hamster wheel that keeps spinning round and round and round, the same political merry-go-round spinning in endless circles of repetition, the same lies re-told, the same deceptions re-sold, and Americans keep buying the two-party bullshit like the good little slaves most have become. It is so blatantly obvious at this point that people are waking up in droves, and yet most Americans still just keep playing the political game, trusting in a system of deception, a system built on deception and ruled by deception, a system designed to perpetuate plunder, violence and war, and Americans keep putting their faith and hope in this den of robbers called government.

"Governments lie all the time. Well not just the American government, it's just in the nature of governments. Well they have to lie, and since they don't represent the people and since they act against the interests of the people, the only way they can hold power is if they lie to the people. If they told people the truth, they wouldn't last very long." - Howard Zinn (source video embedded at the end of the post)

What will it take for America to wake up? How many more years of this vicious cycle of deception, broken campaign promises, fraud and violence must the people endure before they finally wake up?


Voting has never worked and will never work to eradicate the system of plunder which is oppressing Americans at home while feeding the War Machine abroad, because voting is an integral part of that very system, one of the key ways the State manufactures consent for their crimes against humanity.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it. - Mark Twain

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people can take away the rights of the other 49%, and that's the simple truth. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said that.


The political election show every two years is nothing more than the parties, politicians, and lobbyists fighting over who gets how much of the big pot of government plunder, never about whether or not plundering Americans is morally right or wrong. But despite the inherently evil foundation of this political system of plunder, and despite the last 17 years of history clearly showing that no amount of election campaigning and voting will ever slow, let alone stop the War Machine, and despite the majority of Americans opposing the Empire's perpetually endless war(s), the people keep getting sucked into politics at election time, more and more money gets dumped into political campaigns every election cycle, and the same magic show is re-played on the same stage every single time.

And sure enough, it's that time of year again - the run up to yet another election - when the masses are pummeled with countless money-driven, out-of-of-touch-with-reality political ads attempting to buy your vote by repeating the same tired old political narratives based on perpetual deception, many ads telling you all the reasons why candidate D is a horrible choice, while many others attempt to steer you away from the wretched candidate R, with very few ads actually explaining why you should vote for either candidate, opting instead to smear the "opposition." I suppose when neither party nor their candidate has one single good thing left to stand for, their only option is to point out all the bad things about their political "opponent."

Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.- H.L. Menchen

The System is the Problem

Meanwhile it is clear to everyone who has freed their mind from the 2-party paradigm that neither party truly stands in opposition of the other, as both parties are slaves of the one establishment system they serve: A system which works for the greedy, murderous War Machine and against the interests of the American people and all of humanity; a system which works for the greedy, power-hungry foreign bankers who use their monetary control over nations along with their money magic of printing worthless paper out of thin air and lending it at interest to rob the wealth of entire nations to make the rich oligarchs richer and the poor peasants poorer; a system which works for the money-hungry corporate vultures who value corporate profit over human life.

Yes, the entire system is corrupt and rotten to the core, built on greed, theft, extortion, fraud, deception and murder. A system which profits off the widespread sickness of Americans, and sees healthy people who never get sick as a threat to their fraudulent enterprise. A system which profits off of peaceful prison populations while mass murderers, war criminals and those guilty of high treason against this country and the Law of the Land never see a day behind bars, because in America "justice" is for sale, where criminals with enough cash can buy their freedom with a bribe, while the innocent poor are guilty upon arrest because they can't afford a "good" lawyer & the not-guilty verdict so often accompanying it. A system which profits off of endless, perpetual war, death, slaughter and destruction abroad to satiate the greed of the richest 1%, who use their power and influence to rob & kill Americans at home through taxation, fines, fees, regulations, rampant sickness, opioid addictions, wrongful imprisonment, debt slavery, and sometimes even murder by police.

Heck, under the Trump Administration the USA has now even entered the age of the US military using precision drone strikes to assassinate American citizens abroad. At this rate, it probably won't be long until the US military is being used to kill American citizens on American soil, but I digress.

This system is run by a well organized cabal of rich international elitists whose allegiances lie with no nation or people and certainly not with humanity as a whole, but only to money and power; and they rule the earth through their corporate monopolies of the banking systems (Federal Reserve Bank in America - the FED), media (MSM & controlled "alternative" media), education (government school indoctrination - No Child Left Behind, Common Core, etc.), oil (Exxon Mobile, Genie Oil, etc.), the food industry (i.e. Monsanto & Big Food), the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma), the so-called justice system (via judges, lawyers & the prison industrial complex), and biggest of all the Military Industrial Complex (MID) which is comprised mainly of the CIA, State Dept., DOD, arms manufacturing war profiteers Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc., corporate mercenary war profiteers like Blackwater, Rothschild war profiteering oil cartels like Genie Oil, and the Israeli lobby (AIPAC, Zionists of America, etc.).

These are the people who are never elected and never lose their power no matter who is elected, they run the American Shadow Government/Deep State/Permanent State, many of them call themselves Jews, most are Zionists, and all are driven by a love of money and power which far surpasses their love for humanity or their loyalty to this country or the American people. The Rothschild family is one of the most powerful among these pulling the strings.

These are the same ones who have created a society which degrades humanity to the point of being less valuable than worthless paper "money," all the while orchestrating the constant political division so we are at each other's throats like rabid dogs at election time instead of revolting against the oppressors responsible for the tyranny, lawlessness, injustice, deception, fraud, extortion, theft and murder destroying us all.

"Disrespected, disconnected, affected by educational misdirection.
Everybody is divided by this election, black man still hated for his complexion.
You're only as smart as your last purchase. Cars, tennis shoes and cash worship. Clowns are runnin' round this mad circus."
- K Rino, What's About to Happen

These are the same ones who have created a society in which humanity is deemed to be only as good as what they are able to contribute to the system - Work. Buy. Consume. Die. - all for a system which violently oppresses us and all of humanity, until we are no longer useful to the system and are discarded like dirty rags.

"The system is comprised for a liar's disguise, the lower you're willing to go now the higher you rise. The less empathy you possess, the more capital you'll ultimately be able to invest in their fraudulent enterprise." - Payday Monsanto, Chosenite's Lament

Deceit is their vocation, war is their business, and usury their specialty.


These are the same ones behind the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 during the 6-Days War, slaughtering dozens of unarmed US Navy sailors and getting the US military just minutes away from starting a third world war by dropping 2 mini-nukes on Egypt. They are the same ones which brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7, and fired a missile into the Pentagon on 9/11, murdering 3,000 of our countrymen. The same ones behind the recent Israeli attack on Syria which left over a dozen Russian servicemen dead from a downed spy plane, and could have easily led to world war, just like in 67'. And they are the same ones attempting to usher in the New World Order where humanity will be totally enslaved to the Zionist cabal of elitists, whose plan is for all of humanity as cattle to lick their feet as gods and our masters. This master-race mentality is seen in the words of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Rabbi Eli Ben Dahon:

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These unelected psychopaths who rule the earth openly tell us that that their profit is worth more than human life, that to them money is worth more than humanity, and yet they continue to successfully dupe the masses into voting for any one of their puppet politicians from the two major parties come election day - politicians who serve the interests of these psychopaths over the interests of the people who voted them into office, from one of two parties which have both sworn allegiance to the War Machine and corporate America rather than to the people they claim to represent. It's about time America realizes that these politicians are nothing more than cowardly whores of the corporate factions loyal to Israel and the Jewish banker-owned US Empire (via the FED, MID & MSM) which together form the core of the western War Machine and its propaganda arm.

Politicians are paid liars, they are actors and hypocrites who play the people for fools every single election cycle. They are corporate sellouts and big government stooges who lie to your face making campaign promises they know they will never keep. They are funded by murders, paid to rob us all blind, they are snakes dressed in suites and snake oil salesmen at the very same time.

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable. - George Orwell

Politicians are parasites leaching off this corrupt and fraudulent system and the masses feeding it, whose blatant betrayal of humanity is seen at every single election and every day in-between, but the people are so damn dumb they keep hitting the repeat button while voting for the same lying hypocritical politicians over and over again, continually endorsing these puppets who don't give a f*ck about you. Now that's some insanity...


The best of the politicians are delusional, thinking any real good can come out of this utterly corrupt and evil system. The rest of the politicians are are either captives of greed or cowards too afraid to stand up to the evil establishment system. There are few exceptions to the rule, like the Ron Paul's, Thomas Massey's and Cynthia McCinney's of the country, but I think people such as these aren't delusional about changing the system so much as they use the media attention their political positions afford them to help wake the sleeping masses; but even the most goodhearted and well-intentioned of people usually end up breaking their own moral code and caving to the political pressure once in office. And then there are certain truths which even the most honest and courageous elected officials like Senator Richard Black and former Congressman Ron Paul seem to avoid like the plague, namely that 9/11 was a false flag inside job. Despite this being the one crime that could bring down the entire Deep State in this country...

Everything has changed since 9/11/01, and it has changed so much quicker and so much more drastically in the past 17 years, despite the takeover beginning long before that and long before the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank even. Now you are forced to pass through a radiation machine and are often groped by the TSA just to board an airplane. People are arrested for feeding the homeless without the proper government permission slip. We now live in a militarized police state where police kill over 1100 Americans ever year. The government spends $700 billion dollars a year on war while the homeless are starving, the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is being eradicated. The US military is dropping 1 bomb every 12 minutes overseas, the US gives Israel $10 million a day, funds and supports the Saudi genocide on Yemen which is killing one Yemeni child every ten minutes, openly supports Jihadi terrorists in Syria, and all this while over $20 trillion in debt.

A lot can happen in 17 years, but one thing that hasn't happened is justice served on even a single one of the perpetrators or conspirators of this mass murder on Americans, used to justify 17 years of mass murder through war abroad, all in the name of spreading democracy but in reality for the profit of the greedy few. Ya, that's greed, and treason, and a crime against humanity... AND NOT ONE SINGLE ARREST - just over 17 years later. I guess that's what you can get with $2.3 trillion...

Payday Monsanto, Under Control (What can I get with 2.3 trillion?):

It's sad, and a little angering, but the worst part is that it has all become so much more blatant and obvious than ever before and yet the people still don't seem to care, not enough at least. CNN openly tells us that US bombs are being used to slaughter Yemeni children and the State Department refuses to denounce the Saudi genocide on Yemen, Congress refuses to even temporarily suspend funding to the murderous Saudi Kingdom, and now it has come to light that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has refused to denounce the Saudi genocide on Yemen and withdraw US support of it, all to protect a $2 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia to keep the cash flowing for the arms-dealing war profiteers, and most Americans don't so much as lift a finger.

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Meanwhile they want you focused on who you're gonna vote for in November, and since most still can't see this is nothing but a distraction, it's beginning to make me a little angry and frustrated, I'll admit. I'm tired of seeing the political signs scattered everywhere I drive, in front of houses, businesses and in open fields on the side of the highway. I'm sick and tired of constantly hearing political attack ads on the radio during every ad break anytime I'm driving and have the radio on, a whole month before the election and at least an entire month after this barrage of political advertising began. It's everywhere, you can't escape it, from YouTube to the political flyers that show up in the mail, the election propaganda is everywhere.

I'm sick and tired of hearing the constant attacks on candidates for the most insignificant transgressions while all the real problems in the world are being ignored, and in the rare cases when real problems are talked about, it's always the symptoms rather than the root causes being addressed. And I think that is what prompted me to create this post, to try and highlight some of these root causes of the evil in the world being mostly ignored by the masses who focus on the symptoms or ignore the problems altogether.

Like greed, lack of love for humanity, deception and fear. Basic morality is very much lacking in this country. Like the inherent immorality of government, and the evil foundation upon which it is built - the legalization of plunder and the monopolization of force by the State. The undeniable connection between the War Machine and the two-party system, as well as the complete and total corruption of the current American political system. The inherent immorality of democracy, being nothing more than mob rule. Like the fact 9/11 was an inside job, but not without help from within the Mossad, and 17 years later millions more have died from this murderous agenda but not a single person responsible for the crime has been held accountable. There is no justice in the land, and there is no peace on the earth.

And there's always the Jewish/Israeli control of and influence over America through the infiltration and monopolization of the banking and media sectors, Hollywierd, the prison industrial complex (private prisons), as well as massive influence on the US government and politicians, but if you mention any of that you're just a mean and hateful anti-semite. Go figure. Truth is the new hate speech indeed.

Come November, the masses will cast their votes and probably feel good about doing their "duty" in this democracy, then they'll get back to working their life away for worthless paper and shiny toys for 40-80 hrs/wk, because they're good little debt slaves spending half their money paying interest on their debts, half their money on the debts themselves, and the third half on taxes to pay the interest on a national debt incurred by US to fund the genocide of the Yemen people and to support Jihadi terrorists in Syria who chop heads off 12-year old boys, with the rest going to their basic needs - yes I know the math doesn't ad up, it probably has to do with the few years I spent in government schools :) By 2020 nothing will have really changed, and we'll be right back where we are now, with millions of dollars being spent on nonsensical political ads and agendas, but the true beginning of the 2020 election cycle will probably begin shortly after election day this November, and so the wheel keeps spinning...

Unless of course America wakes up and decides to jump off the wheel, taking the first step towards de-railing this crazy political War Machine train. As for what steps to take after that, about what to do after withdrawing our consent from the political system by not voting or engaging in the political election process, well that's a topic for a follow-up post which I will hopefully get to in the near future. In the meantime I will leave you with another quote by Howard Zinn. If you made it this far I truly appreciate your attention, and if you appreciate the content, please share and feel free to upvote - thanks!

War is like a fix, you know, you get high on war - "we won, we won" - and then you get down on the ground again and you need another fix, you need another war. Why do you think we have war after war after war after war? Every war they say "this is the end, this is the last war," and World War One, they said "this is the war to end all wars," and then not long after that was World War Two, and then soon the United States was waging war in Korea and then in Vietnam. If you study history what you learn is that wars are always accompanied by lies. Wars are always accompanied by deception. - Howard Zinn, featured in the song by Vinnie Paz, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train:




That was a really great article. The latest indication, as you know, is the Kokesh drama. I'm fully convinced it's time to starve that beast and one easy way is to not vote. Love the pics, too!

Thank you for the encouraging comment, @tigerlily! Really appreciate the support. Yes Kokesh indeed seems to be a perfect example of how corrupting politics is to humanity. Sad that even the Libertarian party now seems to have become infected with the disease - is it power or is it greed - oh, the evil that politics breeds...But together as one, humanity can overcome; I just hope we are the ones who live to see, the day humanity is finally free!

Take care & have a wonderful day.

While I obviously think we should get rid of electronic voting machines and then get truly anti-establishment candidates elected, I think voting for them now makes sense too, since that would make it harder for the establishment to rig elections (and make it more obvious that they were rigged). To be clear though: I don't know of a single candidate I'd vote for (I wouldn't even vote for Ron Paul or Cynthia McKinney).

Looking forward to your follow-up piece ;)

Thanks, follow-up should be quite a bit shorter than this post was, but I might not get to it quite as quickly as i wanted to, as I've got lots of personal stuff going on including my dog just diagnosed with cancer & now going downhill kinda quickly so that's sucking up a good bit of my time & energy - also why I took so long to reply. My apologies. I agree with you on getting rid of electronic voting machines, and that there doesn't seem to be any candidates worth voting for nowadays, even the 3rd-party candidates are a joke these days... I think that without electronic machines, voting might make a difference at the local level but my overall feeling is that the entire system is just too corrupt at the top for even honest voting to make a difference, since they have so much money & power to choose the puppets set before us. I also strongly oppose the notion that at any point the majority of people ever have the right to vote the rights, liberties, money or property away from the minority, which is the foundation of democracy, which I reject.

I guess my overall feeling at this point is that politics is so hopelessly corrupt that even the best truly anti-establishment candidates are poisoned and corrupted the second they drink from the political glass. I've seen it with my own eyes, the best & most honest men being turned into two-faced politicians just as soon as they get their foot in the door of politics by winning an election. Just as I've seen firsthand how controlled opposition works, and how in my case a slick Jew came in and infiltrated our local Ron Paul group and despite the warnings by myself and many others who saw it coming the whole time, he walked out having completely took over the local Campaign for Liberty, now nothing more than just another neocon Republican activist organization stuck in the 2-party paradigm, and I believe this happened all across the country more-or-less, with the Campaign for Liberty nothing but the controlled opposition of the anti-establishment Freedom Movement ignited by the Ron Paul campaign in 2008.

Maybe it's got me a little unrealistically pessimistic at our chances of effectively fighting the establishment through politics. But at the same time even one major election in which a large chunk of society openly boycotted the elections could get the politicians re-considering their priorities :) I suppose I think that at this point the only way to put enough pressure on the system and the politicians to force them to change their ways or allow truly independent candidates is if the people boycott the polls & refuse to vote, as that would send a real message that the people have had enough of the same old wheel of hypocrisy & bullshit. You're totally right that without electronic machines it would at the least make it so much more obvious that they are rigged and might give the people a chance at getting some better people in office for sure. Enough to bring down the establishment though? In my mind doubtful, but maybe with enough pressure by the people. It always comes down to the people, we need enough people willing to act to make any form of resistance effective.

My reply is like three weeks late (I'm taking a break), so I'd say we're even ;)
And good luck with your dog!

"my overall feeling is that the entire system is just too corrupt at the top for even honest voting to make a difference, since they have so much money & power to choose the puppets set before us."

We have the internet and social media now, and people are really fed up with the establishment. For example, as you may know, Clinton and Trump were the most disliked presidential candidates in U.S. history, and Sanders even outraised Clinton in campaign funds. So I think if there were no electronic voting machines, and there were a truly anti-establishment candidate running for office, our chance of getting them elected would be quite good.

"I also strongly oppose the notion that at any point the majority of people ever have the right to vote the rights, liberties, money or property away from the minority, which is the foundation of democracy, which I reject."

I pretty much agree.

"I've seen it with my own eyes, the best & most honest men being turned into two-faced politicians just as soon as they get their foot in the door of politics by winning an election."

But surely you understand that it doesn't always have to play out like that. And maybe the people you're talking about were controlled opposition to begin with.

"I suppose I think that at this point the only way to put enough pressure on the system and the politicians to force them to change their ways or allow truly independent candidates is if the people boycott the polls & refuse to vote, as that would send a real message that the people have had enough of the same old wheel of hypocrisy & bullshit."

What do you think would happen if only, say, one percent of the population voted in 2020? Not to mention, voter turnout is already low, and the establishment could always lie and say that it is higher than it actually is.

"It always comes down to the people, we need enough people willing to act to make any form of resistance effective."


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