Steemit Think Tank? Let's test it. 9/11 evidence for or against conspiracy theories

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I have wondered if Steemit was capable of becoming a place that could turn into a think tank type of tool. A place where many can come together and pool factual based evidence, for or against a conspiracy theory. I figured let's test this idea out and a good place to start is with 9/11 and ideas of what happened that day.

In the comments below please enter you theory and supporting evidence as to why you believe it. This can include all lead ups to 9/11, what happened that day, and consequences of the attack.

Here are some of the information I have seen that leads to the entire event as an inside job... If you disagree with any evidence I or others post please provide evidence as to why. Thanks!

Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon lost $2.4 Trillion on 9/10/2001

WTC collapse

Architects & Engineers of 9/11 Truth (challenges the "official" story to how the buildings dropped, including building 7)

Pentagon attack: (I knew people who were there that day who said they saw plane parts, anecdotal, - I think it was a drone dressed up like a plane)

Flight 93 was shot down? (Doesn't change much of the story - I have been told by several Air Force members over the past decade that agree to this.) Cell phones do not work in planes when in the air.

WTC insurance paid out billions for insurance.

Saudis financed 9/11

I know there are many more angles and ideas about everything so share your view and supporting evidence or disagree with the evidence and discuss. Thanks!

page and Twitter account. I co-own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook and YouTube) and JRev Radio (Facebook). We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization.
My name is Jeffrey Hann, @jeffreyahann, and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. My public Facebook

Pretty nice work!

Thanks! I wish people would add their links though. What I was going for didn't happen. Looking at the mass research, many hands make lite work etc., but maybe it wasn't a good topic for it. :)

Just keep going. If only one person starts to think after reading your post, it was worth it!

You covered the bases pretty well. I remember being swayed with building 7. It was hard to ignore, and I have trouble understanding how others can ignore it. I also remember seeing other burned or burning buildings in France, and other parts of the world that remained standing. The quick cleanup and removal of evidence sealed it for me. Great post.

Thanks! Sad though that what I hoped Steemit could it, only interested a few, so I don't think Steemit can be a place that could form the function of a think tank.
