Only yesterday I was talking to some colleagues about 9/11. The usual pattern of events happened again. I brought up the fact that never before or since 9/11 has a steel framed building been brought down by fire only to be glibly told that, 'Perhaps the planes crashing into the towers might have had something to do with it".
I then pointed out that building 7 was not hit by a plane but they assured me that the building's structure was weakened by debris from the two towers that were hit by a plane. There is literally nothing I can say to convince people that the official story is bullshit and if I keep pressing the point they just send me to Metabunk. It is so frustrating. I look forward to reading the independent report Richard mentioned that is due to be released in the next couple of months.
Metabunk is also working hard to discredit the Flat Earth. A new investigation of 911 will be possible when
The Plane Earth is revealed. Those who have been deceiving us about this Mother of all lies are also the ones
In control of 911 and all the other false attacks. Peace