These 3 city states are not really part of the lands they occupy. There is a very important reason for this and that is to allow the real controllers of our planet to operate outside the laws that govern the rest of us.
This is the best example of George Orwell's quote from Animal Farm which was: "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
This is total insanity and for those of you who don't know these truths you might not believe them. If you are in any doubt as to if this is true or not I strongly urge you to check all I am about to tell you for yourself!
The topic we will be discussing here is city states, namely the Vatican City in Rome, the City of London, Washington DC and to a lesser extent the (Dis)united nations head quarters in New York City.
These territories are not part of the countries they are physically located within and have their own laws and regulations. How convenient that these city states are precisely where the power brokers reside, enabling them to operate under different laws than the rest of us!
Down the rabbit hole we go again....
The City Of London
I went to university in London and it's an amazing place. After years in London very little about the city surprises me but the biggest shock I ever got was discovering that the City of London is not really part of the UK in the sense that other patrs of the island are. Many times I walked through the City of London before I realized that there are 10 fierce dragons guarding the entrance roads into the City of London in a ring known as the Dragon Boundary Mark.
The dragon pictured above is the scariest of all and it resides at Temple Bar which is an ancient place of legal mischief where lawyers enter the Bar and linked to the Knights Templar. This dragon is a terrifying beast placed there to tell all who understand that they have left the UK and are entering the City of London! Beware!
Woooo-haa Freaky, Freaky!
The City of London to quote directly from wikipedia is different because:
"The local authority for the City, namely the City of London Corporation, is unique in the UK and has some unusual responsibilities for a local council, such as being the police authority. It is also unusual in having responsibilities and ownerships beyond its boundaries. The Corporation is headed by the Lord Mayor of the City of London, an office separate from (and much older than) the Mayor of London. The current Lord Mayor, as of November 2017, is Charles Bowman. The City is a major business and financial centre."
Read that carefully! They have their own police and "responsibilities and ownerships beyond its boundaries"!!
The City of London has unique powers in the UK. It represents a major part of the financial control arm that runs our planet!
The Vatican City
Vatican City is an independent state located within the city of Rome in Italy. It was formed out of the Lateran Treaty and represents a massive hotbed of intrigue. Murder, money laundering, pedophilia, drugs, mafia... All these horrible roads lead to Rome and the Vatican City in particular!
Vatican City is considered one of the largest repositories for hidden knowledge, financial wealth and religious control on the entire planet. It is not by chance !
One of so many glaring examples of the corruption in the Vatican City was perfectly articulated in an obituary by the UK's Telegraph Newspaper for The Most Reverend Paul Marcinkus where they correctly stated the following:
"Nicknamed "the Gorilla", the burly American prelate was best known for his involvement in the Banco Ambrosiano scandal, a banking crash that cost the Vatican around $500 million and did untold damage to its prestige. Ambrosiano's chairman, Roberto Calvi, was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in London in June 1982, shortly before Italy's largest private bank went bust with debts of $1.3 billion. Embarrassingly for Marcinkus, the Pope's bank, the Institute for Religious Works, had been an active partner in Calvi's hazardous financial adventures.
The fallout from the scandal lasted for more than a decade. In 1984 the Vatican agreed to make a $240 million goodwill payment to creditors of the Banco Ambrosiano, while denying any responsibility for the fraudulent collapse of the Milan-based bank. The payment did little to salvage the Holy See's reputation, and Marcinkus himself consistently opposed it. It also failed to mollify the Milan magistrates investigating the case, who issued a warrant for Marcinkus's arrest in 1987.
This decision was followed by a protracted legal tug-of-war between the Vatican and Italian judicial authorities, which resulted in Marcinkus and two of his aides at the bank spending long periods holed up in the Vatican for fear they might be arrested if they set foot on Italian territory.
The dispute was finally settled by the Italian Court of Cassation, which ruled that Italian courts had no jurisdiction over Marcinkus and his colleagues, saying that officials of the central agencies of the Church were exempt from Italian state interference under the terms of the 1929 Lateran Pact. The attempt to arrest Marcinkus for alleged complicity in fraudulent bankruptcy came as a severe shock to millions of Catholics around the world."
The Vatican City's control over so much money, people and much of the land on the planet is not by chance and it remains a city state to continue these crimes!
Washington DC
A quick google search into Washington DC brings up the following:
"Washington DC is not one of the 50 states. But it's an important part of the U.S. The District of Columbia is our nation's capital. Congress established the federal district from land belonging to the states of Maryland and Virginia in 1790."
So here we have the seat of the largest military in the world - commanding billions of dollars, murdering untold millions and impacting all of us but it's not part of any state in the united states? Again the question of a lack of legal oversight is highly relevant.
The underlying theme with all of these city states is that the laws are different in these cities than for the people in the lands around them.
One rule for some another for others!
The depth of this deceit goes so deep. I have friends whose parents work in Washington DC. I have met and spoken to them. Those that have even a vague understanding that something is wrong are kept in a financial inertia. Most have no idea what's going on and are just looking to live a peaceful life in what is an ever expensive world. It's not their fault but it shows how deep this deception goes and how easy it is to fool people if their jobs depend on not asking questions.
An in depth discussion of the corruption of Washington and the legal and illegal methods used to pull it off is beyond the scope of this post but I will do one in the future and I will discuss the incredible alignments of the monuments and road structures in Washington which speaks volumes on the history of this control.
The (Dis)United Nations In New York City
The site of the disunited nations head quarters in New York was donated, to much fanfare by the Rockefeller family. In this mini state they have relative autonomy to commit their crimes which oddly includes their own un postal stamps which you can buy.
How can the disunited nations claim any right to make decisions for the planet when these decisions are made in a jurisdiction that is beyond the laws of the US.
Personally I think that this is another example of the US being used as a cover for the nefarious actions of those who manipulate the levers of power in our world.
People naturally think that the actions taken by the UN in New York must be subject to the laws that govern the US - the greatest national on earth?
Sadly not so! Again we see the same scam played out...
Why Do We Have This Situation?
The answer is clear to anyone who studies law and history. These states operate under their own systems and there is nobody to prosecute their actions which would be considered criminal in the UK, Italy and US.
This veil of secrecy is part of the mechanisms of control which facilitate some of the worst crimes on the planet. They control the money, religion and military of the world through the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC.
The crimes committed in those tiny sovereign states would not be acceptable in any civilized society and this is why they need their own territories to commit these crimes - safe in the knowledge that they cannot be prosecuted!
One topic I have not covered here is the symbology, architecture, art and artifacts that litter these places. I will cover that in a further update!
I urge you to do your own research into these mini states and then we as a human family must demand that they are shut down. The concepts of transparency, equality and fairness cannot live if so many of the decisions affecting our family are being made in darkness and secrecy. When global affairs are being conducted in this manner we can be sure that the decisions are not being made for our best interests.
Only education the proaction will save us from this tyranny which we already live under! 🐴
Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @timcliff, @drakos.
Excellent article !!!
One of the best history lessons I've ever had was this video. EMPIRE OF THE CITIES - The RING of POWER (5 hours 20 min) - better than any college history course !!!!
I have seen it too! Excellent! UPvoted mate! 😉
Ojh what he is doing just relaxing
Maybe having a scratch! 😉
I knew about the Vatican but I didn't realize about Washington and London until now. I have resteemed this post and hope to see the . EMPIRE OF THE CITIES - The RING of POWER video later.
You won't be disapointed mate! I am often torn between providing a lot of information or an overview. Often I find an overview works better on Steemit otherwise I can often loose people if the post is too long! I will do some more in depth followup posts on this topic! Enjoy those videos! UPvoted! 😉
Grear article Jockey.
I dident know about london as much.
There's a libary of atrocities they have committed.
Indeed mate! London and especially The City of London is such a spooky and odd place! You are just online all day! I'm wondering which timezone you are in mate? LOL! 🐴
Australia the land of plenty.
Ahhh so we are in similar time zones! I used to live in Australia and it distresses me to see what is happening through media, food, education to the minds of young Australians. I hope a growth in Steemit in Oz will help combat these issues! 😉
I hope so too
Private organizations above the law. There is a way out, don't give them energy and money! All together, but you have start somewhere.
Totally agreed! =)