The Nazi Antarctic Survival Myth - Part Two

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

This is a continuation of Part 1.

Disappearing German Submarines

During the second world war, a total of 46 U-boats went Missing In Action. Some undoubtedly where lost due to operational accidents, but could others have escaped to Argentina and maybe even Antarctica? It is documented that the U-977 and the U-530 did make it to Argentina, while being submerged for 66 days.

The U-997

It's also known that the Germans where developing silent electric submarines, called the Type XXI. This design would lay the foundations for all future allied diesel-electric submarines as well. It's also known that the Germans were experimenting with a propulsion system called the "Walther Turbine" which utilized hydrogen peroxide that allowed much greater underwater cruising speed than conventional submarines. They also experimented with wire-guided missiles and Snorkels fitted with special anti-radar coatings. All of this proves that German submarine development was well ahead of its time. Voyages to South America happened with the Antarctic in reach as well.

The odd letter from Karl unger

Below is a copy of an alleged hand-written letter from Karl Unger, crew member of the German U-209, including an English translation on the right. The letter talks about a 'successful entrance into hollow earth'. Could they be referring to the large passageways discussed under Antarctica in part 1? The official report says the U-209 submarine was possibly lost in a diving accident during the war.

Operation Highjump

In 1946-47, the United States organized a large US Navy operation to Antarctica, lead by Admiral Richard E. Byrd. It included included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft, with its primary objective to establish a research base called Little America IV and to learn more about the possibilities of settlement and warfare in the Antarctic environment. Little other information was given to the media about the mission. Most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose, given the huge amount of military hardware involved.

Admiral Richard E. Byrd.

During the operation, one of the planes crashed during a blizzard, killing three men. Another man died during a ship unloading accident. According to the official narrative, the naval ships and personnel were withdrawn back to the US in late February 1947, with the expedition being terminated due to an early approach of winter and worsening weather conditions.

But here is where it gets weird. In an interview with the International News Service. Admiral Richard E. Byrd stated that:

"Today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds."

He repeated the above points of view before a news conference held for International News Service.

What could he mean by flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible high speeds?

James Forrestal

The Secretary of the Navy, and later the first Secretary of Defense - James Forrestal - who gave the order for Operation Highjump, was later on institutionalized in the Bethesda Naval Hospital psychiatric ward in 1949 after being forced to resign by Truman resulting in a breakdown. A few weeks in, he seemed to be on the road to recovery, but suddenly one morning his body was found dead on a third-floor roof below. The official report says Forrestal had died from 'a fall from the window'. Nothing states why or how. There was also broken glass found on his bed. Various assassination theories exist, range from Zionist agents (He was staunch Anti-Zionist), Soviet agents, to U.S. government operatives sent to silence him for his knowledge of UFOs linked to Operation Highjump, the Roswell 1947 UFO Incident and Project Sign.

James Forrestal with Harry S. Truman.

A summation of facts

-The Nazis held an expedition to Antarctica in 1938-39 in an area called New Swabia for a naval base and a whaling station, but no base is known to have been created.

-Germans developed submarines capable of reaching Argentina and possibly the Antarctic.

-Various unverified German documentation on Antarctic passageways and coordinates and a unverified German letter describing an U-boat journey into the Antarctic exists.

-In 1946-47 the United States held a large very military operation in Antarctica called Operation Highjump, but it gets terminated due to impending rough weather. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warns of a possible attack from the poles in an interview.

-James Forrestal, the US Secretary of Defense who ordered Operation Highjump, was institutionalized in Bethesda Naval Hospital psychiatric ward in 1949 and died from a suspicious suicide a month later.

Operation Highjump
James Forrestall


What is S.A.S.A? Referring to the translated letter.