Excellent piece of writing.
My favorite line: "The vast majority of people will simply hand over their minds and their capacity to question or disagree and A.I will become judge and jury."
There is also another fork in this road of possibilities: The marriage of AI with individuals, cyberpunk style.
There is a lot of room for creativity to see how the FEW combat the default choices of the MANY. I think that this is all following the same historic trends... however, I also see a vast potential for freedom for those individuals brave enough to pursue it. Decentralization is a key for this to happen.
For example, currently it is very difficult to get food that is grown in properly restructured soil (not organic, organic doesn't even address this issue). However, both technology and perhaps necessity can lead to the decentralization of food production, which can open up vast new opportunities.
...and, what would happen if the hacking community at large made an organized decision to build a decentralized resistance to thought control? There is already talk of a decentralized internet, for example.
So along with dangers, I also see vast opportunities. I do not think it will take the masses acceptance to present these opportunities. The masses will, in my opinion, continue along their blissfully ignorant paths.
Hey my friend, thank you for the support and for taking the time to leave such a great comment .. it's very much appreciated. As with all technology and all the profound choices that we have to make as a society, there exists a duality. We now stand at a crossroads where this duality has never been more apparent and our choices have never been more stark. I think decentralization is certainly key, but equally decentralisation of the human mind is needed in order to achieve this ideal.
In the long term, I can almost envisage said dualities manifesting themselves within opposing A.I systems, some representing said decentralisation and others the system. Cyberspace wars for the soul of humanity. Decentralisation and the sharing of open source code and technology is certainly key and I like your food reference. Indeed the ability to grow your own food is an ideal we all should be pursuing. Thanks again @jzen
Indeed we fight a spiritual battle my friend