11.13.17 - Karma Map

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

*sorry this post got accidentally tagged in "conspiracy". That tag was left from a post I made with the eSteem app and clearing the old post didn't clear the tags. Editing won't let me remove it. Woopsie!

Having compiled as much research as I can for the moment on this karma, the task is now to wait for visions/dreams/messages/etc. to reveal the exact circumstance and see how to work with this information.

I know from prior messages – that whatever is happening, my energy is purposely & justifiably being blocked and sabotaged to prevent it from being misused further (which is different from it being siphoned off as I’m very familiar with.) There are bigger themes coming through associated with AI, colonization, and I am sure many other unexpected things will come to light as more information is retrieved.

To be honest this is a pretty messy process… as with any journey, you can plan well and study the paper map, but that is not to say that there won’t be detours and other calculations to be made along the way. But at least the map is a place to start, and to get a better understanding of the energies and concepts that I need to understand to do the healing work required. This should be viewed as incomplete note-taking. Not everything here will be used, and there may be more information required.

To review, I gave an overview of the karmic healing process as I learned it here:

Although a lot of the information on the Raising Maldek website is considered outdated by its creator Aurora, I believe it still has immense value, especially for people beginning this work. More details, with charts to download and dowse can be found here:

When Mila closed the Spiritual School of Ascension in 2010, she gifted her Ascension Workbooks to humanity. There are over 1000 pages here of information about archetypes, energetic anatomy, intentions for healing, worksheets for dowsing imbalances…truly incredible resources:

Workbook I

Workbook II

There are some other charts I use (some that need to be updated), which I intend to share sometime in the future for those interested in the work.

In her later work, Mila (Lilliya Nita Maha) described this process as TRANSFORMATIVE ascension, and went on to expand into other types of ascension:


Over the course of my life, I have met a handful of people who I describe as soul sisters. We mutually feel an inexplicable connection and familiarity. Our subtle energy signatures are so similar, and the themes of our lives seem to run parallel so much of the time, it’s as if we are made from the same blueprint and have similar life scripts. That is not to say that we are not each unique – in fact our uniqueness and unusual energy is part of our common thread. One of our commonalities is the unusual amount of emotional hardships we’ve had to face, which has made us all feel as if we’ve lived many lifetimes in this lifetime, and that we are old beyond our years. Though each one of us should have been able to create so much more in life, circumstances aligned to take us off our paths early in life, and have worked against us seemingly at every turn. None of us feel that we are really on the timelines we should be. We each have natural magical and intuitive abilities…but because of so much interference, we have not been able to fully access our power and use it in the ways we would like to. Every gain we make seems to be met with retaliation. It’s that realization, along with the mirrors I’ve been experiencing lately and the messages coming through, that it’s obvious something “else” is going on and needs to be dealt with. All of us in “the tribe” are noticing anomalies in our readings, an unusual amount of stuckness, increasing isolation and disconnect from others (especially those who are “unconscious”)… So this work I hope will assist us all in getting beyond the blockages and onto our rightful paths.

Anyone reading this can ask “Is this work that I can benefit from also? Do I share this blueprint? Does this affect me?” If yes, great! The more people who are able to receive the healing, the better off we’ll all be. If any impressions/memories/dreams/messages come up pertaining to this work, please share in the comments! That’s the beautiful thing about this work – each one of us have unique memories and pieces of the puzzle to share.

Working through karmas can seem a lot like LARPing. In a way it is – recalling the stories of our souls, but it is LARPing that has valuable teachings and profound healing affects if we allow it to be.

I realize a lot of this work is very difficult to read and becomes somewhat tedious. I had to work through a lot of blockages to be able to read ascension material. There are many reasons for wanting to avoid and tune out…if you catch yourself doing that, but have already determined that there could be something of value for you here, ask why! Persist. Stick with it, and find out what was being kept from you.


When you start noticing strange things going on in your life, if you approach it from this paradigm, these experiences are what are called “mirrors”. Mirrors can be events, strange/persistent illnesses, any kind of “sign” that indicates something is amiss. For example, in the last couple of weeks, these events are what I consider mirrors to the situation currently manifesting for me:

MIRRORS – (events in this lifetime indicating something amiss)

  • Oct. 21 – “tagged in a memory”, pinged by OP
  • Oct. 23 – car battery failure
  • Nov. 2 phone call from daughter didn’t come through
  • Nov. 4 - notification “There has been a problem with the database! This is a notice email to let you know that SMF could not connect to the database, contact your host if this continues.” Investigation revealed 23k spam accounts hiding out and stealing bandwidth from my friend’s server, 260 actively logged in
  • Nov. 6 – two telemarketers back to back, one spoofing my own phone number
  • Nov. 7 – laptop memory modules failure
  • Nov. 9 notification “you’ve been pwned - You're one of 2,628,148 people pwned in the CafeMom data breach
  • Nov. 12 – manhunt for two fugitives who wrecked a stolen car less than 1 mile from my house

I’m used to weirdness, but that’s a lot of bad juju and targeted harassment within a short span of time. Guidance showed that it was indeed a karma, affecting me on another timeline.

Here’s the map of the original circumstance causing the mirrors and whatever is happening to me on the other timeline/s (followed by relevant information on each topic):

Perpetrator/s: Sirian Spiritual Elite…. Sirius B Siroyo
Victim/s: Extinct Species, Sirius C, Katayy [[In this original circumstance, my tribe/myself were Victims]]
Relationship details: tribal, colonization
When: Older than 200,000 years
Location: Sirius system

Language of Light Energy/Tones affected (**These tones are the core essence of what was distorted, taken, or given away, and what is to be retrieved and reinstalled in the DNA, lightbody, affected organs, etc.) :

Communion of All Species (Unity Consciousness + Conditional Governance)

Creation (Unseen Worlds + Unspoken Worlds)

Energy location (where this karma is stored in the body) : Adrenals
**Each affected body part also has patterns associated with it

Feelings/dysfunctions caused by karma: defeatism, anxiety
Original Trigger for Perpetrator: Ignored
Avoidance issues: Begging
Parallels in this life: Uncertainty
Cessation of behavior/new perpetrator action:
Bequeathal to victim: FRAMEWORK + ESTIMABLE (this type of message is received through dowsing with the Communion of All Species system)
Victim Reversal: Spite
New Victim Enactment (conscious embodiment of returned tones):

   ACCEPT > observe > CELEBRATE



Information on the Tones affected in this Karma:

Nature: Completion
Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #10 Non-conditional Governance unite to become #80 COMMUNION OF ALL SPECIES

Polarity Transcended: Human Form – Other Species Form
Communion of All Species is a completion tone and therefore holds a combination of all tones 71 through 80 within it. Communion of All Species is the tone that allows all species to live in an ongoing state of communion with one another. When all exist in joy and expansion, communion follows. Communion is a state in which each species is united with the other in an ongoing dance of giving and receiving of energies. The ongoing dance creates the experience of unity, oneness, and belonging within each component of the whole.

INTEND ABSOLUTE CONSENSUS. The absolute consensus command is related to dual tone #80 Communion of All Species. The absolute consensus command allows for the power of the consensus group to hold the group together through group boundaries. Each ascending human is a part of a consensus of ascending others and also a part of the larger consensus known as Earth and all species therein. Sometimes ascending humans fall out of the ascension consensus when one becomes distorted enough to do so. As one commands absolute consensus, one will be restored to the consensus and the boundaries held therein by the group will then be invoked within one’s field allowing the support that the group and Earth can offer in one’s continued expansion of field. This is a useful algorithm in the transcendence of all patterns of seduction.

#85 - CREATION - Nature: Passive

Polarity Transcended: Movie or Dream – Scene

The Symbols 'Unseen Worlds' and 'Unspoken Worlds' unite to become 'Creation'
Creation provides the milieu for the projection of thought to manifest as a distinct form, formation, or formulation in relation to all other possible thoughts. Creation contains the possibility for expression of all possible thought even in relation to each thought. Creation connects thought whose purpose or consciousness requires the inter-connection for the evolution of all thought and in the connection creates that which may have never before existed.

I INTEND ABSOLUTE COMMAND. The absolute command is related to dual tone #85 Creation. The absolute command allows for the power of command that one has mastered in one’s ascension to date to be available to command one’s creation and cease to be tampered with by nonphysical forces. Often nonphysical forces like to strip one’s power of command and then use it to command one’s own field into distortion. Absolute command states that it is the law of the Tao that all power of command resides with the physical in relation to the physical plane and not the nonphysical. As such, the nonphysical has no right confiscating one’s power of command and using it against oneself. This command shall dissipate all manipulations associated. This is a useful algorithm in the transcendence of all patterns of seduction.

Individual Single Tones:

9 Unity Consciousness
Herb: Angelica
Mineral: Rose Quartz
Polarity Thoughts: Positive - Negative

Unity Consciousness brings together into wholeness all aspects of awareness within so that each consciousness is known to be an aspect of the whole. Then no separation exists between any consciousness, and communion between all consciousness becomes possible. Unity consciousness does not recognize a boundary as a barrier. Rather, the boundary is a point of differentiation of purpose and is worthy of honor and respect. In this way, unity consciousness blends every aspect of the whole in respect, as all contribute to the completion of the vision.

10 Non-Conditional Governance
Pale Golden White
Herb: Lady’s Mantle
Mineral: Tiger’s Eye or Rutilated Quartz
Polarity Thoughts: Dominates - Subordinates

Non-Conditional Governance provides the closure or completion of the first nine tones of creation. This completion is the result of combining all the aspects contained in the first nine tones in the creation of the tenth tone. Through the modulation of its capability, non-conditional governance can blend with and provide direction or purpose for any combination of the first nine tones. Like holding the boundaries for a kaleidoscope, which in rotation is constantly changing while maintaining focus and direction, non-conditional governance allows for unlimited expression within the boundaries of the tone.

43 Unseen Worlds
Lavender, Silver &Pale Lavender
Herb: Cramp Bark
Mineral :Obsidian
Polarity Thoughts: Alive - Dead

Unseen Worlds is the vibration that integrates honesty and communication into an evolutionary exchange and creational act. Unseen worlds permit truth to expand into greater wholeness but only through surrender to greater truth. The act of surrender allows unseen worlds to create the learning space.

44 Unspoken Worlds
Gold, Pale Gold & Golden White
Herb: Datura
Mineral: Gypsum

Polarity Thoughts: Conscious – Non-Conscious
Unspoken Worlds allow for truth beyond current boundaries in expanded awareness of self. Providing an actively changing creational environment, unspoken worlds create greater and greater opportunity for truth to expand. In blending with and surrendering to unspoken worlds, truth has the opportunity to become what it did not know itself to be.


Dowsed positive for a Time Rift – and this is interesting because there is the ancient karma from the past, causing issues in the future on another timeline, affecting me in this timeline in the present. Whew!

TIME RIFT OF DREAM: [[ Dream/Creative energy in this lifetime/timeline bleeding out, in this case to the future]] Do they still have a portion of your dream? If so, retrieve it, returning whatever belongs to them by pushing it back into their dream in the old or new consensus.


p.467, Ascension Workbook I - If one finds oneself manipulated by future karma, one can intend to roll it back into the future along with all patterning, spells, curses, hexes, machines, thoughtform, and entities triggered in the field. Then one can attune to the temple of guardians to restore the guardians to hold future contracts where they belong in the field (future karma is null and void).

p.468, Ascension Workbook I - FUTURE AGREEMENTS: The false gods are experts at manipulating agreements. One way is to create agreements with a part of your unconscious that you have yet to integrate and insert them into the field. Now a pattern jumps off that one is subject to, but the part of self that made the bargain is not present to release and alter the contract. The best solution in this is to gather up all lost parts of self from the future, and assess all agreements held within it, and then one will find the agreement that they are looking for and be able to modify it.

Useful intentions:

  • I intend to completely integrate each parallel life that I am associated with during each initiation mastered in ascension.
  • I intend to allow the thought-forms that are polar-opposite to my physical plane nature to cancel in full leading to the integration of the Language of Light in their place.
  • I intend to release all agreements with personality and identity entities associated with parallel lives so that I do not bring them into the physical in the integration process.
  • I intend to embrace the dreams from my parallel lives with discernment and intend to manifest only those dreams that support my continued goal of ascension.
  • I intend to completely integrate each parallel life associated with my existence in other realities upon Earth.
  • I intend to cease to reject parts of myself that I judge as they exist upon parallel planes.
  • I intend to press the polar opposite thought-form together between the physical and parallel lives allowing for cancellation to occur and the Language of Light to be embraced
  • I intend to retrieve all portions of parallel lives traded with another.
  • I intend to return all portions of parallel lives traded to those that they belong to.
  • I intend to cease to trade parallel lives as it serves not creating a complete ascension.
  • I intend to retrieve all duplicates of any parallel lives that I have integrated or not integrated including the master copy.
  • I intend to erase all duplicates. I further intend to return the duplicates of any other parallel life that is in my field to those that it belongs unto.

Dream Manipulation Intentions:

  • I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.
  • I intend to cease to barter with any human or false god over the dream I choose to manifest.
  • I intend to retrieve my dream weaving knowledge from those ancestors who understood conscious intention and dream weaving.
  • I intend to forgive those ancestors who bartered dreams away believing that they could not manifest their wishes any other way.
  • I intend to retrieve all grid work associated with my dream catcher chakra.
  • I intend to return any gridwork in my dream catcher chakra that belongs unto another sending it to the temple of dream weaving.
  • I intend to release all karma with those who I have exchanged dreams with over time.
  • I intend to return any false karma that suspends a dream exchange in my field along with the associated dream.
  • I intend to retrieve all dreams that I have cast that have gone unto another.
  • I intend to cease to participate in the game of dream bargaining and exchange.
  • I intend to work with Earth to co-create an ascending life dream and dream for my body’s continued evolution.
  • I intend to release any phantom dreams and retrieve my grid work that may have been used in the creation of a phantom to manipulate another.
  • I intend to step out of the game of the use of phantom dreams to manipulate humans. I intend to weave a dream that allows for my continued ascension and learning the spiritual lessons necessary to my mastery.


If the etheric body or any part of the field is rotated to the right and then held in this position with etheric magnets, this part of the field or etheric body moves into the future. If the etheric body or any part of the field is rotated to the left and then held in this position with etheric magnets, this part of the field or etheric body moves into the past. If parts of the field or etheric body are held in the past and future concurrent, one splinters in time. This causes those parts of the etheric body and field in the future to go into future karma where machines, karma and the associated patterning will take affect; and the parts of the etheric body and field in the past to go into past karma where old patterns and karma one has long transcended suddenly recur.

This is a grand manipulation of the sorcerers, as once one is splintered in time, now one is more easily torn apart. One’s grounding will fail when one is splintered in time as well as one’s connection to source, as grounding and connection require one to be in present time. As one cancels and shatters the magnets holding on split between the future and past, one can twist the field or etheric body back into present time and then the manipulation and game ceases. Assess this type of manipulation in the workbook section of this chapter:

What part of my etheric structure is rotated to the right or left? Parts of the etheric body rotated to the right cause them to exist in the future; parts rotated to the left exist in the past. This is one way one can be manipulated from the past or future; it also splits one in time. Align all parts of the etheric grid work in present time and one will have an easier time of ascension.

-I intend to forgive my ancestors for participation of the game of turning portions of the etheric body into the future or past thereby splitting in time.

-I intend to forgive those ancestors who were sorcerers who participated in the game of splitting others in time.

-I intend to cancel or erase all magnets that hold any part of my etheric body in the past or future.

-I intend to forgive my sorcerer ancestors for participating in the game of splitting the etheric body in time.

-I forgive all ancestors who became diseased or caught a dream of death due to etheric body time manipulations of the sorcerers in their given life.

-I intend to release any and all mechanisms that hold any part of my etheric body in the past or future.

-I intend to bring all of the following parts of the etheric body into present time:
-I forgive those ancestors who were at cause of a nuclear annihilation that splintered humans in time.

-I forgive those ancestors who became diseased or died due to the splintering in time from nuclear fallouts.



Over stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to an overproduction of adrenal hormones which creates one who nervous much of the time. The thought-form behind over stimulation of the adrenal glands is “I am not comfortable with myself. I am not comfortable in my own skin.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend unconditional acceptance of myself in the dance of life. I intend to embody my truth in action.” Under stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to a lack of enough adrenal hormone for retention of consciousness over the course of the day, and leads to feeling tired or lethargic. The thought-form behind under stimulation of the adrenal gland is “I am exhausted and burnt out.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to retrieve my power and life force and learn to run the red and orange ray. I intend stealth in the dance of life.”

Ascension Workbook II, p. 234


Sirian Language Intentions/Colonization history. The karma that I am working on is not exactly relevant to Earth colonization, but the situations and work to be done are similar:

  • I intend to reprogram my subatomic or elemental level with Sirian based magnetic language from my Sirian ancestors.
  • I intend to reprogram my atomic level with Sirian based magnetic language from my Sirian ancestors.
  • I intend to connect to the Temple of Molecular Languages to accomplish this task.
  • I intend to reprogram my molecular level with Sirian based magnetic language from my Sirian ancestors.
  • I intend to reprogram the following regions into a Sirian based sub atomic language that hosts magnetic elements
  • I intend to reprogram the following regions into a Sirian based atomic language that hosts magnetic energy movement
  • I intend to reprogram the following regions into a Sirian based molecular language that hosts magnetic triple lotus energy flow

p. 449

  1. I can operate from a foreign hologram upon Earth without understanding the associated language of the consensus and exist within creational law. The Grand Masters were outside creational law in entering a creation without sharing in the holographic planes or speaking the language of the consensus. As a result the Grand Masters anchored a cycle of lawlessness when all was in the law up until this point within Terra. The lawlessness then rolled over the Grand Masters leading to their demise, as this is what lawlessness is; it allows for destruction. Although the Sirian Elite flipped the polarity of the Grand Masters into a destructive cycle, their own lawlessness in relation to their relationship unto Terra set them up to be manipulated. The Sirian Elite only pressed the Grand Masters into the lawlessness that they had gone into with Terra, and then the dolphins, whales and Terra herself chose to be lawless with the Grand Masters intending their extinction and sending shattering blows towards their fields. The Grand Masters were not victims; they were in lawlessness from the manner in which they did not belong within the consensus. If they had requested a presence and offered to contribute in a language Terra could understand, then they could have upheld the law and perhaps the Sirian Elite could not have manipulated them into their own demise. Ascending map carvers today are learning to hold the law in conjunction with all kingdoms upon Earth. Ascending map carvers have created a place upon Terra and within her holographic planes; and are learning to speak a language that resonates with the whole known as the Language of Light and Language of ONE.
  • I intend to forgive my Grand Master ancestors for coming to Earth with a foreign hologram and language.
  • I intend to forgive my Grand Master ancestors for failing to learn the language of Earth.
  • I intend to forgive my Grand Master ancestors for existing upon Earth outside of creational law due to failing to participate in the consensus with all other kingdoms.
  • I intend to forgive my Grand Master ancestors for failing to make agreements with Earth or communicating with her the Grand Master intensions.
  • I intend to forgive the Sirian Elite for pressing my Grand Master ancestors into their own lawlessness.
  • I intend to forgive the lawless forces that worked through my Grand Master ancestors that set up Earth in an extinction cycle.
  • I intend to make agreements now to participate in the consensus known as Earth and through the human holographic planes.
  • I intend to make agreements now to hold and work within creational law in collaboration with Earth and nature.
  • I intend to make agreements now to only speak the language of the consensus so that all kingdoms and Earth may understand one another.
  1. I can exist within creational law and host a dream for war amongst fully conscious species upon Earth. The forces that came to use the Grand Masters known as false creators anchored a dream for war between fully conscious species pitting them against one another. They also anchored a dream for war in the consensus which pitted Terra against the Grand Masters. Had the Grand Masters perceived the full dance that these forces were behind, they may have cast them out and found other forces more benevolent to dance with. However they could not perceive all that was anchored in their dreams until it was too late and the deadly blows flowed through from the dolphins and whales killing many of their group. The Grand Masters tried to understand but could not as they blindly trusted the nonphysical and were conned into believing they were victims and not at cause. What was it that had occurred? Their own Sirian unconscious and the unconscious of all of Sirius had been rolled over them; and now they were falling into the opposite of the love and light known upon Sirius. Alas the unconscious was such foreign territory that they could not navigate into anything but into greater destruction, and in so doing, anchoring destruction upon Earth. At this time of ascension, humans are forgiving their historical past and learning the lessons that your inheritance failed to understand. Human map carvers are learning to navigate through the difficult unconscious and remove non-benevolent forces from Earth so that all may ascend. Sometimes it is a difficult dance for the map carvers and they feel punished or like a victim; however just like your Grand Master ancestors, you are not a victim. It is through forgiveness that all that has occurred that is destructive shall self heal.
  • I intend to forgive my Grand Master ancestors for anchoring a dream for warfare between fully conscious species without awareness.
  • I forgive my Grand Master ancestors for not perceiving enough to cast out the false creator forces that desired the demise of the Grand Masters and Earth.
  • I intend to forgive the dolphin and whale kingdom to attuning to the dream for warfare and acting it out in the death of my ancestors.
  • I intend to forgive the Earth for acting upon the dream for warfare and intending to cause my Grand Master ancestors to go extinct.
  • I forgive my Grand Master ancestors for not being able to hear the dolphin and whale communications about the problems that their energy flow was causing so that they could have taken action to rectify the circumstance and bring themselves inside creational law.
  • I forgive my Grand Master ancestors for not being able to communicate with Terra so that their energy flow would align with her global flow.
  • I intend to anchor only dreams of unity and peace upon Earth and with other fully conscious species.
  • I intend to cease to allow forces to use my field to create harm or anchor dreams that do not support the ascension of myself, other kingdoms or the whole of Earth.
  1. It is acceptable to allow the false creators to cast or trade dark dreams for my life experience and Earth’s global experience. The false creators and false gods have run the dreams of the human species since exiting the Great Central Sun dream a very long time ago. The false creators of the light are supportive and nurturing in nature aiding creations in sustaining their vibration and humans in sustaining their dreams for health. The Grand Masters arrived upon Earth with false creators of the light, and Terra in this time period also hosted false creators of parallel nature. Something occurred as the Sirian Spiritual Elite visited the Grand Masters that turned everything upside down and inside out. Suddenly the false creators of the light that the Grand Masters knew departed; and that which took charge of their fields anchored dark dreams. All began to become ill and their energies were used to shatter and remove the other false creators of the light in the dolphin whale kingdom and upon Earth. The new dark creators took over and guided Terra to intend extinction of the Grand Masters and guided the dolphins and whales to shatter them to death. The false dark creators have directed the dreams of Earth into downward destructive dreams unendingly. At this time dark creators are being removed and uncast from the dream of Earth. The dark dreams are also being removed that they anchored over time. Earth is casting new creators of her own to replace the dark false creators that better support and sustain her ascending field as well as guide ascending humans in a direction supportive of personal ascension. The new creators uphold true spiritual law and are also being cast at this time to uphold Tao based law. In so being, in time Terra will return to a state of law in which harmlessness may prevail.
  • I forgive my Grand Master ancestors for bargaining with the false creators and allowing them the use of their Grand Master field creating great karma in so being.
    -I forgive the nature of creation that has splintered existence into light and dark, the light extending its life and the dark falling to extinction.
    -I forgive those ancestors who exist upon Sirius today that continue to carry on in a lightdream extending their lives and at the expense of all related to them upon Earth.
    -I forgive my ancestors for falling into greater and greater forgetfulness due to the dance of the dark false creators.
    -I intend to retrieve all my holographic knowledge from the false creators that stripped my inheritance over time.
    -I intend to retrieve all the consensus knowledge stripped from Earth by the false creators and help her restore her consensus based holographic planes.
    -I intend to cease to dance with the false creators or false gods and instead choose to dance with Earth, nature and her casted creators and angels.
    -I intend to replace all the creators and angels in my field with those cast by Earth and allow a new type of guidance to flow through as a result that is supportive of my ascension ahead.