I'm so happy that there's someone on the HIVE blockchain keeping a list of all the creators who don't promote corporate/government lies!
Thanks for your service @quackwatch
If you could just edit mine, you missed a few, like: anti-war, believes in consent, vegan, anti-genocide, anti-eugenics, pro-research, anti-organized crime, tired of people using nonsense terms like "climate change denier" when they mean "knows carbon is necessary for life," anti-corporate control, asks questions, anti-obedience, etc. etc.
Just saying, if you're going to promote my work, please include more of my keywords :-)
Radical vegan cow is rights animal rape... Yep... He missed a few.
Oh cow fart conspiracy theorist that one I really love...
Actually it is an excellent way to get noticed and to talk with other conspiracy nuts.
Worst part is all these conspiracies are actually coming true.
File except for the vegans they still are doing more damage to the environment with monoculture crop farming and supporting big agriculture instead of local permaculture farms.