Suply and DEMAND, there is DEMAND which the Media is filling. Its just a market. We are designed to do the least exhausting and most energy saving things (darwin).
The only agenda of the media is to design a produkt which is consumed like cocain...this process is called capitalism. Like every Blogger designs an article for consumtion.
Its true that we have to save our selfes from the capitalists because we can not consume every addicting shit out there. It actualy has harm on the wirering of the Brain (lowers will power etc. and makes us fat) BUT to play the victim because its the least exhausting option is shit as well. All the victimisation brings nothing. Just ban the devices or choose the contend YOU WANT to see, man its 2017! thats all....easy as this.
But the sad part and here you are completely right: the majority which is all ready addicted to the whole consumption thing (every aspaect of life is consumable) is controlled...100% in controll. This is the golden goal of every capitalist: to be a controller wether you are a monopolist or wether you have a cartell. But this is what Cryptoculture intialy is about as well. Its pure crypto-anarcho-capitalism...a system for elites!