Luca Traini, Macerata "Nazi Terror shooting" HOAX! Genesis 322, Orange & "Brotherhood of Light", Order of Malta...and Scottish Pants!

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


A "Nazi", former Lega candidate, went on a rampage "shooting african migrants" in the town of Macerata. Or so we're made to believe.
He was with Lega for 2 years, then supposedly joined Forza Nuova and Casapound in the last year. Basically he was part of all the "far right" parties in Italy. An hardcore Nazi...or a Secret Agent? There's a long documented history of Secret Services infiltrating and even controlling nationalist & far right groups (and left wing groups too).
From the photos he sure looks like the stereotypical Nazi, but the nazi tattoo on the forehead and the shaved hair were only done very recently. To look the part for his big day on the World Stage? And who benefits with elections in a few weeks?
Lets take a close look....
source: Daily Mail (aka Daily Fake News)

OCCULT NUMBERS CODED: 322, 33, 13, 77, 777, 666

I know some people are reluctant to take Numerology into account, but the Elites most certainly use Numerology (search for Lagarde's Numerology speech).
Personally I trust numbers more than words.

Date : 3/2/2018 = 322 [Skull&Bones/Freemasonry]

322 coded on the ambulance plate carrying the "wounded" immigrant. Scene played over and over by the media just to have the 322 of the plate showing.
and it goes deeper:
E=5=S-1= 6= 3+3
P=7, Y=7= 77 = Divide et Impera in Numerology
(and btw from the full video the ambulance car in front has plate: FL409WX = 33)

322 commonly associated with the Yale secret society Skull & Bones, but it is also a masonic code (just like the Skull & Bones) and which refers to Genesis 3:22. One of the key verses in the KJV Masonic Bible, jampacked with esoteric meaning and knowledge (Tree of Life, DNA etc etc).

And this Freemason (100%) who most likely recruited Luca Traini from his Gym, alludes to the 3:22 verse "he was ignorant, not able to discern between right and wrong" .

Other numerology tidbits :
6 hurt = 33 (3+3) [highest degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry/Illuminati]
The shooter used a Black Alfa 147 = 777 (14=7+7) and "black alfa" indeed Black Op by Alphabet Agencies.
777= Order Out of Chaos (in Jewish Gematria) [motto of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry].
The car plate of the Alfa DX780KM= 31 < 13 in Numerology [highest degree of York Rite Freemasonry/ Templars/ Malta].
13 important number for Templars (Friday 13th persecution) and Knights of Malta (made Sovereign Order by the Pope in 1113). The Police number in Italy is 113. 13 a Coven in WitchCraft. 13 the full moons. 13 also the supposed Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
Also there may be a coded message in that plate. 780km? Tunisia is 780km away from Macerata. Next PsyOp there? Also 780KM = 21 (7+7+7).

This police car parked right in the middle of the road infront of the Media to be photographed:
CC= 33 [Scottish Rite]
DK241= 13 [York Rite]

And this one CC=33 CA=22 and 666.

To sum up we have all the main occult number in this hoax: 33 (Scottish Rite), 13 (York Rite), 322 (Skull&bones), 77 (divide et Impera), 777 (order out of chaos), 666 (Satanists). The whole gang!


Unbelievable..... Pyramid with All Seeing Eye in plain sight!!!!
The Pyramid with the All Seeing Eye is there printed on the rulers which are forming the masonic square (and forming another pyramid/eye with the bullet hole). They ARE the rulers literally, that's how brazen they are.
They know the masses are never going to notice anyway, as they don't even question if it is a real shooting. "If it is on the News it must be true right?" lol
And Plain mockery with the pants scene....and shot in the bollocks for a bit of banter between masons!
Sky Blue = Blue Lodge Freemasonry. And tartan pants are called Scottish Pants in Italy = Scottish Rite.

The pant shop wasn't just some random shop, but it has the emblem of the Imperial Eagle (I guess Emporio Armani), same one used by Fascism and Nazism. The shop is called "Notte e Di"= Night & Day, clear reference to Hermetic Duality which is the foundation of Freemasonry and the Mystery Schools. So it's all about symbology.

And more of the same, with the window of the local offices of the PD (pro-mass immigration bankers party) hit. Do they think this will attract some sympathy and get them some votes? Also symbolic the word "Unita' hit. An "attack" on Unity. ...the Unity of Italians which will be divided in the usual left/right and taken over by "moderate" tyrannical bankers (Divide et Impera)

As always in these hoaxes they place the Orange as "easter egg".
An orange bottle left in the attacker's vehicle next to the pistol.. (1).png

The supposed "victims":
Orange buzzer? and an actual Orange to the left

Even this woman has an orange placed next to her. nothing else. Just water and an Orange. Btw Water is 22 in Numerology (Master Builder number and 11:11). Double Water is Isaiah 22:22 .
And looks like she's reading the first part of her story! (video)
Infact between 0.23 and 0.39 she is BLATANTLY READING!!!! facepalm

Also she shows and touches the SHOULDER although she keeps saying she got shot in the hand. So the Water x2 could be indeed code for Isaiah 22:22.
Which relates to Secrecy.

Anyway going back to orange, the reason they use it is because it is code for 33. the highest degree of Freemasonry and the Number of Illumination (The 33 vertebras for the kundalini to ascend for enlightenment)
The Orange used by the "Bortherhood of Light" (Freemasonry, O.T.O., Jesuits, Illuminati, Templars, Malta etc) to signal to each other is such an acknowledged code it is even featured in the Knightfall TV series.

Hegelian Dialectic with 2 controlled groups. Left and Right, the 2 heads of the Same Beast and the 2 Hemispheres of the Brain.

After the shooting in Macerata, the reaction of protesters in Genova "against fascism" . Actually the protests were already organized by Anti-Fa for the same day (foreknowledge by organizers), and the Macerata Nazi shooting episode of course helped bring out thousands more people demanding for "fascism" "far right" and "hate" to be shut down and censored.
And of course Orange smoke. I thought the colour of Antifa and Leftie was red? Why all that orange? Just to have 33 coded and to show to those in power that they are part of the script demanding exactly what the Government wants to hear....and enact! Problem>Reaction>Solution.

the other agents in the Hegelian Dialectic: Forza Nuova, a fascist group pledging to help and stand with Luca Traini , just to cause indignation and show some fascists on TV for the public to fear. This spokeperson for Forza Nuova, posing with a perfect 666 Eye gesture.
Moreover Forza Nuova's Leader is Roberto Fiore! An outed double agent for MI5/MI6 (British Intelligence) who was protected by the UK when Operation Gladio was exposed (the NATO & P2 Lodge falseflag terrorism of the 80s which used such controlled groups for its operations).

Who rules Italy? Guelphs and Ghibellines

Currently Italian secret services and the police are controlled by the Knights of Malta (Vatican/CIA/Catholic Knighthoods) and the Queen/Crown (UGLE Freemasonry) together. The Guelphs and Ghibellines still rule to this day.
Who really controls the Carabinieri? You just gotta look at the emblem: The White cross on red background of the Order of Malta and the Blue of Freemasonry.
Both the Order of Malta and Freemasonry use the symbology of the Double Headed eagle, because it is an Empire which dominates the West and the East just like the Byzantine Empire....and just like the Byzantine Empire it has currently Khazar Emperors. Italy is a Colony. the Whole World is. Russia included (hence the double headed eagle).
It has also an esoteric meaning relating to hermetic duality but I'll dwelve deeper into this in future posts.

The Circus : A racist Nazi with black friends, scared immigrants laughing, and an AntiFa witness?

He sure looks like a Nazi psycho in the pictures .....but in this video we see him happily and comfortably sharing jokes with a black somalian. The somalian is Paolo Diop, an infiltrator of right wing/nationalist groups making sure they never turn racialist/ethno-nationalist (which Bankers really fear- see Iceland) and likely an informant. 2 fake nationalists and likely 2 secret agents at work in my opinion.

Even the gym owner has had to admit Luca had some african friends (as he was seen hanging out with a few).
He said he was a nice tolerant guy for the 10 years he knew him, and then just in the last period "radicalized". how many time we hear this. Just like Cantwell from the Charlottesville hoax, or Bissonnette from the Quebec shooting hoax. All with jewish and muslim friends (and even lovers!) and then suddenly become Nazis? bullshit!

And the immigrant residents are obviously terrorized by the situation and "the return of Fascism". Look how scared they are they won the lottery!

but oh wait there was a witness who saw exactly what happened....a "taxi driver" who looks like the typical Anti-Fa just come out from some "Centro Sociale". Surely a non biased reliable witness. Who am I to doubt his account?
give me a f************ break!!!

The AGENDA: Influencing the Elections, Kalergi Plan, and further Censorship of the Internet.

  • Influencing the elections next month.
    In this picture you see the puppet of the establishment Matteo Renzi last week worried about a possible Movement 5 Star - Lega coalition:
    And here Saviano (jewish journalist) taking aim at Salvini (Lega's leader)and labelling him, for his anti- mass immigration rhetoric, responsible for the shooting (the usual argument they use to bring in censorship).

  • the Kalergi Plan:
    Making sure the masonic Kalergi Plan (Practical Idealism) continues through planned mass migration and miscegenation to create the "eurasian negroid" citizen of the future to be ruled by "Jews and Bloodline Aristocracy".
    CR (2).jpg
    Salvini proposed to deport 600k illegal african migrants as an electoral pledge, and looked like he meant it. That's why they moved to punish him with this PsyOp. Ain't gonna happen. (((They)))'ll make sure of it.

  • The Immigration Business
    Guess what Macerata's biggest Industry is? The Immigration business! (all the EU, Government & NGO funds for welcoming refugees/migrants). Obviously they do not want to lose out on all that money!
    As Buzzi of Mafia Capitale once said : "There's more money to be made with immigration than drugs"

  • Censorship:
    To complete the Kalergi Plan requires draconian censorship of the internet, as the Internet allowed many to be awakened to such plan in the first place.
    In the name of shutting down"Hate", politicians (aka puppets) will enact complete censorship of the Internet.
    Problem,Reaction, Solution:
    Gentiloni promises the State will get tough on "Hate".
    And will introduce Sanctions against those who preach "Intolerance" on the Web.
    An exiting PD government introducing censorship during an election campaign on the key issue that's losing them votes: mass immigration from Africa. Whether politically correct or not the vast majority in Italy don't want this mass immigration. Especially the silent majority....which will be now silenced by law to make sure they remain silent and powerless.

Will blockchain, crypto and a decentralized Internet save free speech?

Hopefully soon. There's a few crypto projects that make me very optimistic (Substratum, Steem etc) and I'm a believer of voting with my wallet. Not much faith in change through the ballot box, though the 5 Star Movement with its Participatory Online Platform (similar to Liquid Democracy) could really represent a step forward, especially if they move such platform to the blockchain. So far the 5 star movement has not used the online platform to its full potential and still relies on "leaders" deciding all the important stuff.
In theory 5 Star Movement and Lega are strongly in favour of Free Speech on the Web, but I know the only guarantee that our freespeech rights will be protected is through uncensorable technology.

ITA Conclusione

per gli amici italiani che hanno difficolta' nel leggere il mio inglese sgangherato: questa sparatoria e' una messa in scena dei servizi segreti giudeo-Massonici, dei Cavalieri di Malta e del Vaticano . Come in ogni pase comandan loro e creano queste Operazioni Psicologiche con i Media per influenzare l'opinione pubblica verso certi obbiettivi : voglion rubare le elezioni e censurare chi si oppone a quest'invasione pianificata e al meticciato mondialista. Voglion introdurre maggiore censura sui social network, ma un nuovo internet decentralizzato grazie al blockchain sta emergendo.
Freedom always finds a way!


The media is building up the fear of "the return of Fascism in Italy" to affect the elections. And to reinforce this message controlled opposition Forza Nuova is marching in Macerata causing chaos and singing fascist slogans "Boia chi Molla!". They have less than 1% of votes in Italy and only serve as boogeyman for the media to push voters to go vote for leftist parties to "stop fascism", when the left parties posing as antifascist are actually the new fascists pushing illiberal legislation and draconian censorship of the net.

Possible Macerata - Parkland blue pants connection.

The Parkland Shooting was only 11 days later and also involved an alleged "white supremacist" (though Nikolas Cruz has now been exposed as a Jew with a mixed race brother).

This week there was another fake story of a senegalese immigrant shot in Florence.
Orange scarf clown pretending to be enraged and the 13 bus

Orange glasses witness at 1:11 says she heard "Sei colpi, tre e tre" 6 shots, 3 and 3. To code 33. And the 13 bus there again

and protest against racism, again Orange at the front.

Turns out the shooter was a communist, and the dead black man the husband of a senegalese woman who had already lost her 1st husband to a racist shooting in 2011!
Obviously, it means even that shooting in 2011 was an Hoax as it is statiscally impossible.
All operations to impose the Kalergi Plan in italy.

Thats a lot all this number thing seems a little far fetched to me adding the number and letter and this and that together! Why would they go to all that trouble. But time and time again it crops up and with everything else it hard to say coincidence! 💯🐒

many cases happened and I did not know what to say 😰