Speaking about Julian Assange did you hear about smart dust?
I learned about it from Julian, but here's other sources about it.Here is more info you can dig it I know its happening. Have you seen Starlink? The 5G constellation satellites will connect all the smart dust to the IoT. Elon is not the only one building 5G constellations in low earth orbit. It's getting crazy.
We decided it is what is in the "SPECIAL" Jet Trails we see now.
We also decided this covid distraction is the end game. We do know the ROOT of the problem now.
Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. The Sons of Darkness see the bodies piling up, but search in vain for their enemy, who is as subtle and sly as a holy serpent. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see. The Sons of Light have tricked the Sons of Darkness into worshiping Satan, whom they believe is an androgyne composed of the demons Lilith and Samael. The gods of the Sons of Light are also androgynous. Their names are Ein Sof, Shekinah and Yahweh. The Sons of Light are planning to create a Utopia when all is won and all is lost. In it, every human being will be a perfect hermaphrodite with two faces. They will also be immortal and have no need to endure the pain of the cycles of birth, life and death, so there will be no more children and no more death. All the silver, gold and treasure will be theirs and technology will provide their robotic slaves. Since the Sons of Light are all righteous, and since the Sons of Darkness will have passed away together with their dark gods, divine light, peace and harmony will rule the Earth for one thousand years after which all will be complete.
This is just a small sample of the information we have gained during this Super Grand Solar Minimum.
We started this knowledge quest when we saw Starlink in the sky on April 15 2020, There was a large number of them chasing each other is the best I can describe what we saw. They have Ion thrusters and Krypton batteries
I have heard of smart dust but haven't dug that deep into it. The book seems interesting Similar but different take to the bible.
Its a deep dive into the origins of Tanak, Kabbalah, and the Zohar the other books most dont know about. They are required to know the truth about Zionism. Its a religious red pill book. That and two other recent reads on the same subject "Our God is Your God Too, But He Has Chosen Us": From Yahweh to Zion