4chan💲4 Billion in Fake News and Tosh.o Exposes Serious Flaw with Youtube! 😲 WTH Happened Now?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

🌊Current uncensored update: HUGE YouTube flaw, Mcdonald's Bots, travel ban + more💦

~>4chan $4 Billion in Fake News and Tosh.o Exposes Serious Flaw with Youtube <~ 👀 video

Welcome back spiritually woke amazing human beings!

I have to say that I do appreciate you guys, in all the constructive feedback you've been giving me on my videos.

Two that stuck out are, first- that fact that sometimes the content goes too fast. There's not enough spacing- there's not a conversation.

The second critique, I got from you guys is that my videos are sometimes too complex, especially when I go into the deep state, with international foreign policy / geopolitical news, and it goes over peoples heads.

I'll be trying out these changes on my YouTube channel, because I do want to do the best that I possibly can for you!

I think it's important to do these kind of weekly or daily news wrap-up videos, where I'm able to concisely tell you exactly what's happening, what you should know about ( from my perspective ), because I believe a lot of the media has shifted towards a more egotistical, emotional drama-filled click-bait kind of news industry..

..rather than focusing on issues and things like famine, war, diseases, cures, solutions, big brother the corporate-tocracy, and government abuse.

We should all see and understand more than just egotistical media celebrities challenging other celebrities for a public fistfight.. and that's kind of what I try to highlight here, so I really appreciate all the constructive feedback..and I also appreciate all the other people who call me the Jewish version of Putin’s son with a Pinocchio nose. I appreciate both.

Today is June 26 2017 and in this report, I show Tosh.o exposing a massive pedophile ring on YouTube, the founder of Ethereum being reported dead, machines totally taken over, more diplomatic woes for Qatar and of course Trumps travel ban.

One of the most fascinating stories this week is that comedian Tosh.o decided for once on his channel to get serious and bring the important issue of a massive pedophile channel network on YouTube that has been going on for a very long time, unabated, uninterrupted, and sometimes even monetized by the YouTube platform.

While exploiting and depicting children in very disturbing situations which could only be clearly intended for pedophiles who are on-line. Now I saw chatter about this, but the very fact that some of these very disturbing YouTube channels could gather as much as 12 million views without YouTube shutting them down, while they're depicting very disturbing sexualized images of children is extremely irresponsible for a company.

The company known as Google and YouTube because they've been spending their resources on ultimately de-monetizing and bankrupting real independent journalism.

I'm not just talking about the recent ad-pocalypse that happened, but as an independent news reporter I've been getting hit, I’ve been getting struck. YouTube’s resources and algorithms and filters have been directly targeted against me for a number of years now, that have nearly destroyed this operation and while YouTube spends their resources trying to filter me out, they're allowing content like this to be monetized promoted and even allowed for children to see.

In other news that I wanted to highlight is how the machines are taking over, quite literally, as McDonald's is replacing two thousand and five hundred human cashiers with digital kiosks.

I think this is a sign of what's going to happen in the not so distant future, these kiosks are becoming more popular and they're only the beginning of a robotics takeover that will affect us socially and economically just like we have seen Amazon robots that are poised to revamp and totally change the way Whole Foods works.

As many corporations set their sights on automation this will inevitably lead to a lot of restructuring, socially, and economically within our world.

I think this is important to talk about since also many powerful people at the Bilderberg meeting are discussing these topics.

Including the people who are responsible for these automations like Jeff Bezos of Amazon

who not only just acquired Whole Foods but last year bought himself the propaganda outlet of The Washington Post and after getting millions of dollars from the CIA are also working on quantum computing solutions.

With the rise of AI quantum computing and robotics there are projections out there that six percent of all US jobs will be lost by the year 2021.

As these powerful corporations become more powerful and more rich, there's even talk at the Bilderberg meeting which took place recently about a universal basic income which brings a lot of scary ramifications with it.

Likely an increase in control by government and the power of corporations, that I think is a very important issue to discuss because these very important changes will happen very quickly. It's important for us to understand what is happening globally and economically because there's a lot of room for concern here.

In other digital tech nerd news we have 4-Chan, an nonlinear crap posting site that recently spread the fake news that the twenty something year old founder of Ethereum died in a car crash.

Since people fell for the fake news, as a result the on-line digital cryptocurrency lost four billion dollars of its market value.

Ethereum is actually the world's second most valuable cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin, but if the story tells you anything it's just how vulnerable and unpredictable the cryptocurrency world is. It's pretty much like a roller coaster casino.

I enjoy it and do partake in cryptocurrencies and trading. We take in donations in cryptocurrency because I still think it's a very fascinating world-changing new technology.

Now Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum actually sent out a photo after the damage was already done verifying that he was still alive. It will be very interesting to see where Ethereum goes from here.

Now in a totally different story, I wanted to highlight this new medical study that I read today by Dr. Dominik Mischowski suggesting that a main ingredient in Tylenol and in 600 different drugs, actually kills your empathy.

According to this new research study acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol has been found to reduce people's empathy for the pain of others.

Which I think is very important to consider next time you have a headache. Also examining what's happening our society it kind of does make sense.

Now I kind of want to have a new segment on this show which is going to be called the dumb ass criminal politician of the week. We have representative Mac Thornberry of Texas who's a top Republican, pressing for a seven hundred and five billion dollar defense budget, which would be at a level of military spending higher than during the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

Now that Donald Trump already ramping up the military defense budgets to record levels, when the United States already spends more on military defense than the entire world combined.

I really just want to know what the hell is this guy thinking.
He probably took a lot of Tylenol in his life.

I'm kind of not surprised by this news especially since the United States has been selling a lot of arms to Saudi Arabia for their human rights violations and also giving them to radical Islamic terrorists inside of the Middle East.

In other failed war propaganda news, we have CNN who's executive editor is now demanding to review all future Russian related stories.

This on the heels of CNN publishing another horrible Russian hacking story based on their anonymous source.

Which of course left egg on their face and they publicly had to retract and apologize for, since they ran the story as fact. I think we have to give a little credence to CNN for at least admitting that their story based from an anonymous source was fake news. We have to give credit there because other news organizations based on their fake sources have never retracted any of their stories.

  • Update- 3 of the involved presstitutes resigned! *

Now in unrelated foreign news we have Donald Trump's favorite country Saudi Arabia now giving the small country of Qatar, which is located on its borders ten days to accept all of their demands or else.

What is that else? We do not know but there have been a lot of tensions between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has been accusing Qatar of actually financing radical Islamic terrorism even though that's what Saudi Arabia is mainly known for.

Saudi Arabia has diplomatically and internationally blocked Qatar with its allies, they have put a set of demands on them, with one of them being that Qatar must shut down Al Jazeera. Qatar is responding back by aligning itself with the countries of Turkey and Iran and this disastrous diplomatic situation does not look like it will come to a resolution and within 10 days expect us to report on that “what else threat” that Saudi Arabia is making against the small country of Qatar.

In still other another dumb ass geopolitical Middle Eastern news, we have the US Supreme Court voting today and approving Donald Trump's executive travel ban, which legally bars people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States within the next 90 days but with the exception of the “outside of the bona fide relationship rule”

and while people are arguing if this is right or wrong, I personally think it's a dumb ass move by Donald Trump and the US Supreme Court, mainly because the countries listed on the travel ban rule are the ones that the Pentagon wanted to destabilize in 2002 and actually has destabilized some of them.

While at the same time countries that are actually linked to 93% of U.S. terrorism are not included in Trump's travel ban, include Saudi Arabia.

I'm sorry but the reality of the situation is, if you really do want to stop terrorism, you don't make Saudi Arabia your number one ally, provide them a crap ton of weapons, and work with them in collusion with the rebels in order to destabilize and depose the Syrian government.

I think we already learned from U.S. interventions, whether it was Iraq or Libya that's a very fingerprints of the terrorism that we are facing has been engineered, has been manufactured, has been financially supported, has been pushed by U.S. foreign policy. That is one of the main reasons why I think this travel ban is going to be ineffective and really just a symbolic gesture for people to fight over.

Meanwhile Donald Trump's foreign policy- especially in the Middle East, is the main central reason why terrorism actually happens and you really need to understand the videos we made before to understand this bigger argument!
So I hope you do take a look at them.

That's today's news I hope you guys enjoyed it, if you did let me know in the comments. All feedback always welcome.. And once again thank you for watching real independent media.

Stay tuned we will have a lot more coverage coming out soon!

Thanks so much to all who donate and support us!

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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange


Thanks Luke, for the truth

This is very detailed work. Congrats for your effort!
I'm pretty worried about what's happening in this world. Like they all went crazy!

YouTube is going down, it's time for the crypto revolution! LBRY & Steemit are the future!

Yeah Mc Donald's food is so crap that it can be produced by robots and need little human interaction.. I don't eat it "fake food"

Thanks for sharing. This platform can hopefully change the world or at least the part that wants change.
Snowden seems like an absolutely straight up and good person.
I have so much respect​ for him for the fact that he was willing to leave everything behind for his Country. He is truly a Hero.

Hey man. You are doing a great job. Dont beat yourself up. Your nose isnt that big. Hahaha im big fan. Great job.

93% of countries linked to terrorism are not even included on the travel ban?... of course.

I'd love if some actual journalist (like @lukewearechange) would have the balls to confront Trump on this simple fact. Seriously. For all his fear-mongering, he should not be afraid to try and rebut that huge gaping hole in his 'strategy'.

(I'm not even personally saying they should be included, but I'm just trying to work on Trump's fear-mongering narrative, here.)

Thanks for your hard work Luke, It is nice that you are open mined to take advices from viewers like us, to my these important reports made by you easier to understand. Thank you so much again :)

wow! A very good read! thanx you!

I love that you're on Steemit brother @lukewearechange!

Like R2D2 @cryptomania1 says, youtube is going down and facebook might follow. Too much rules are being added, too much censorship.

Slowly but surely the cryptomedia, of which Steemit is the first in line, will take over, and people will start to post quality content because they have a real incentive.

Youtube has been popular for 10 years now... It's time for change.
Lets see how Steemit and similar platforms will change the world in the next 10 years.

Can you do a report about Quatar and its demands from Saudi Arabia? . 1 request from Saudi Arabia is to shut down Al Jazeera. The only news channel that covered BILDERBERG!

i have been covering these topics for years too and also censored for years on fb and youtube etc. - I even raised this issue at a software engineer conference last year where google employees were present. The conclusion was that, yes, Google needs to 'fix' it's algorithms - but of course, nothing was done because to Google they aren't broken and the censorship is deliberate. Just go write some 'controversial' comments that expose government criminality and then check whether your comments are still visible when you are signed out from Google - chances are that they won't be, but you WILL be able to see them when signed in and Google will NOT inform you of the censorship.
I created my own social network at https://www.ureka.org so that I could have an uncensored space to pursue my work in healing, balancing and evolving humanity - Which is a good option, but Steemit brings that kind of feature set to the mass consciousness and I am glad to be here and using it to speak with so many more.
I have already got more followers on Steemit in 3 weeks than I have gotten on Facebook in over a year.
May enlightenment be the new 'normal'!

Always amazing, Luke. Keep the truth coming.

That was a great weekly report. I assume that you have read about it by now, but the US is now seeking another opportunity to go to war with Syria. Their "intelligence" apparatus has intercepted a tip that Assad is about to gas his people again.

You can read more about it here:


Thanks for the post Luke, i did not realise you was using Steemit. Upvoted and Followed

Big Hugs<3<3<3

One thing I support is independent news. Keep doing what you are doing. With the media in the shape that it is in, I respect the work you are doing. America is getting sick of MSM (can't wait to hear your thoughts on CNN). Keep up the great work.