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RE: Something different: Fake school shooting or do you still believe the lies?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

A lot about the florida shooting is off, the story makes absolutely no sense. Was he expelled or not? He took an uber? He was hearing voices? The fbi knew about him? Why does the fbi always know about the threat people pose before they go on a shooting, pulse, boston, so many.

As of right now, this is preliminary of course, I believe florida was to cover up for what happened at ft meade at the NSA. The story about why some people got shot and tried to exit the base makes no sense and the washpo article brings up a transgender person who was shot dead in 2015 who was also hearing voices turns out. Half the washpo article is about the 2015 incident and no details are given as to what these 3 people were up to, and the reddit threads are obvious disinformation/distraction.

So something happened in ft meade for certain. I am not at all certain something happened in florida. This kid looks like a patsy in every way, the articles about him just talk about all his red flags.

I suspect the 'republic of florida' is cops, that may be a big clue to the whole thing if we can find out who those people really are. It seems like a set up in every way. The whole thing where the alleged shooter was able to dump his gear and blend in, then go to mcdonalds, is so absurd I can't believe it. In general, he does a bunch of creepy things, but what is his actual grip against the school? If his gaurdians knew he had problems, why did they let him keep a frickin machine gun? 'ok you can stay at our house even though everyone knows you are crazy, but you have to keep that gun locked up but you can keep the key' how stupid were they?

you know that the people who report the news are not journalists because they leave the most important details out of every story. Ft. Meade, no motive. School shooting, no motive. boston bombing, no motive. Pulse night club, no motive. san bernadino, no motive. las vegas, no motive. I could go on.


I couldn't agree more. It is absolutely absurd. But people only see and hear 'attack' or 'shooting' and they don't see any details. There are also ALWAYS numbers involved that are quite important to note. These numbers mean something. Once you see it, you see it all and everywhere. You mention the ones in the US, but the ones in London, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Manchester and so on, different place, same crap.

ole dammegard regarding norway, nothing adds up. that one stands out especially.

so many of these murderers are already known or in contact with secret police, that is not an anomaly.

Kevin Barrett also has a lot of great information, I write about my other favorite sources in my blog but you may have to dig around.

Yeah, Norway was something else. It made no sense whatsoever...But they had a better actor that time. I'll do some digging :)
Thank you.