Is the worlds population a harvesting ground of organ donors for an alien race?

in #conspiracy8 years ago

What if we are a laboratory for an alien race designed by them try to replicate themselves for the purpose of survival? 

Recently there was an update on the Roswell incident you can read about it here 

It got me thinking about what our purpose maybe to another more advanced species. If you look at the process of species is a constant advancement from the next. Evolving to what we are today. What if this was by design. 

What if we are a laboratory experiment a harvesting ground for an alien race to produce enough organs or similar for their own use. But, what if like in many experiments...they couldn't get it right. And we ended up how we are...not how they are? The formula was slightly off, certain crucial factors weren't taken into consideration...and we were a "near miss" to their successful ability to replicate themselves. 

What if we were a mass farming effort, to farm themselves...clone themselves. But environmental factors that could not be perceived or forecast got in the way and took the mission into a different realm. We were farmed for medical purposes, for their survival.

Occasionally you hear the stories of situations like Roswell or being visited by ET's. Is it possible they are just checking in, making a summary on what to to move forward or are we now just a freak show that they just don't know what to do with?

Either way, just like we use cattle for our purposes of survival. Are we just glorified monkeys jumping around in a much nicer cage, waiting to be tested on...... or are we a weed that has overgrown and will just consume it's environment to it's eventual demise.

What are your thoughts?


I think its a very value idea but its seems to be like matrix film ( you get it out of my mouth ) @sheeshkababage other wise I enjoy reading it @mrprolific CHECK OUT MY SECOND POST hope you enjoy XD----------->

wow that's a trip!

Literally just finished re-watching the matrix and thats what the machines do with the humans to survive.

it's an interesting concept. the idea has been around for some time. I just love the doors it opens up if you start to go down the rabbit hole. :)

Ahhh the rabbit hole....
Red pill or blue pill......
What makes me really think is the life after death discussion.
Now that is the real world and this is just a simulation or is there absolutely nothing? If nothing then why have we won the biggest lottery of all time by bring here? This conversation could go deep haha!

Everyone loves the rabbit hole :) I love when you mention nothing at all... i think for many thats the hardest one to grapple with. Our ability to even conceive of almost impossible, because even the thought of nothing is something right? So are we even capable of understanding of what that actually means...maybe? maybe not?

Well ask yourself this....before you were born, do you remember nothing? Billions upon billions of years before you were born but nothing.
Or maybe we have been programmed to not being able to know. Maybe we have been created this way.
Frightening really.