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RE: Does anyone have evidence for chemtrails worldwide?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Glad you're talking about this @ herrleeb. Please, check my post here: 'Why Is Chronic Disease, Autism and Neurological Disorders On The Rise ?'
Btw this upvote syndicate can help you get more upvotes use this ref. I like to make posts that're anti-nwo/health related if anyones interested in my blog!... maybe this can be beneficial in growing the natural health community at steemit, like minded people like you and I willing to talk about this crap (T.T)
since you're interested in direct evidence of chemtrails. Not only does the video show of inside a chemtrail plane, it has footage of inside the cock pit looking at the gauge that controls the dispensation. It has video of interviewing a pilots who know of chemtrails also. is another fantasitc resource that I urge everyone to check out. Awesome post! Thank you for talking about this subject. #informationwar #BigPharma vs #NaturalMedicine #Nutrition #thesepeoplearesick


Thank you for your response. I am fully aware of chemtrails in NATO countries and believe we have already plenty of evidence, more than we need. Unfortunately.
My post is rather about countries I have not seen pictures from yet, like India, Russia (recent), China, Iran or anything from Africa...

Sorry, I can't read, apparently. I just got over excited from seeing the word "evidence". I feel like flagging myself now

LOL. Don't worry :) But it looks like it is NOT worldwide. So the question would be if they actually could be about weather modification or "blocking the sun". Because that should be everywhere, not only over select regions I guess...

;) lol.. Yeah, it's interesting... I'd say they want to damage crops and people. They just call it weather mod so it looks good, *reducing temps and uv rays thus fighting global warming, the polars bears ya know. But technically it is modifying the weather even if it is to a small degree in my opinion

Yup, agreed.

I'd say they want to damage crops and people

Primarily people in North America and Europe it seems.
All the pictures I could find from Russia and China appear to be old and not as crazy as ours...