History records the fate of those who attempt to reveal hidden truths, therein...
It is obvious we put ourselves at risk when we stand up.
It is obvious we make ourselves a target when we question authority in all it's insidious disguises.
It is obvious we jeoperdise our own and loved ones safety and security by threatening the status quo.
It is obvious the nail that stands tallest gets hammered first as conformity is essential for control.
It is obvious those whose voices become too strong are marginalised, threatened or silenced in one form or another.
It is obvious the system of control is complete when we fear speaking up.
It is obvious the window of opportunity and the avenues to do so are closing.
Soberingly obvious is the fact that we are ultimately sentencing coming generations and effectively putting our children in far more danger than we can imagine when we don't question, speak out or resist the continual erosion of our rights and freedoms.
Just like the crack dealer has the junkies right where he wants them, it is obvious the system has us right where it wants us, addicted and dependant on it...
It has us addicted to the artificial, genetically modified (so called) food industry, supermarkets, convenient junk and fast food outlets, even though we know most of it is poison in one form or another.
We're addicted to money and the materialistic lifestyles and trinkets it affords us, duping us into the lie that we need it all to be happy.
We're addicted to electricity, all the gadgets and appliances dependant on it, dependant upon the dealer to get our fix at a price,.
We're addicted to fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil, petroleum and gas for transporting, mobility, heating and growing food.
We're addicted to the sugar, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and pharmaceuticals.
We're addicted to entertainment, sports, computers, games, our phones and any other industry that distracts us from the truth and our reality.
It is obvious, the current system has gradually and purposefully made us junkies, using the need for basic essentials and necessities of life available only to those who can afford the fix and to get it your forced to compete against and prey upon your fellow man in an environment of perceived limited supply and manufactured scarcity.
It is obvious we are selling our souls for false, fleeting placations thereby removing ours and our childrens future from our very hands...an untenable situation.
The irony is the owners have used our very own natural characteristics as conscious loving, trusting human beings to divide, subdue and conquer and our brilliance, adaptability, endurance and tenacity to build the technology, develop the processes and run the machines that are the rehab, the antidote to the addiction that previously handicapped mankinds ability to live in peace, harmony, abundance and love.
These addictions have already been cured, the solutions and all there and for a long time the system needed good little obedient dependants to perpetuate and sustain the lifestyles of the elite rulers and their control system, unfortunately for the 99%, often referred to as the useless eaters or the revolting commoners, they now have all the knowledge, the medicines, the processes, the systems and the technology to the point that it now renders the junkies obsolete...
Thanks for the good article