
great question - no one knows yet, but here's why it's not the shadow of a ball earth:

the moon is almost next to the earth as far as the sun is concerned - 395-400 x according to mainstream science. therefore the size of the shadow of the lunar eclipse should be pretty close to the size difference between the earth and the moon, again according to ms science around 4x.

however, the actual size of the shadow of the lunar eclipse is only 2.3 - 2.7 x that of the moon, a vastly different ratio that is not even close to what it should be.

for the removal of doubt, a simple experiment you can try is to check the size of the shadow of any object close to a wall from a light source a few metres away. the shadow will be about the same size as the object. it only gets bigger as you move the object away from the wall (moon) never smaller.

so how can the MUCH smaller shadow size of the lunar 'eclipse' be explained?
not by a 4x bigger ball earth, that's for sure.

intelligent people question everything, only small, programmed minds regurgitate what they have been told without fully considering it. peace.

great question - no one knows yet, but here's why it's not the shadow of a ball earth:

Seems you could have saved some typing after the above statement. My question was why is it round not how big it is.

how disingenuous of you! i was explaining why it is not the earth and must be something else causing it. you can choose to ignore it, but you are not pursuing truth, merely regurgitating what you have been led to believe without questioning it.

others will find it useful. you can remain ignorant, your choice.

Have you ever looked through a telescope? Anything big enough to eclipse the moon would be visable. Anyhow stopped following so as to not disturb your group think and only brought back through reply. ✌💛


have you ever thought it might not be a solid body?
because the moon is not a rock as you have been told. you can't land on it.
anyway, if you haven't even begun to research the alternative cosmology (that stood for thousands of years) then you don't belong here.
only for those who know how to use information in this age.

... the moon is not a rock as you have been told. you can't land on it

Dude, everyone knows the moon in made of cheese. 😎

light cheese.


I don't know answer, sorry. Lots I do though. Thanks for asking sorry I can't help there yet, got to keep it real!