So you really belief, that the one thing they had to get perfectly right, ie. the “cgi” to make it look like it was perfectly real.., they forgot to add the entry of the wing into the window?
Did you ask what kind of camera and frame rate it was capturing the high soeeds footage, perhaps that exact moment the footage was stopped, was the moment not properly captured by the camera?
Nah I belief that conspiracies like 9/11 could be true, but I also know we are susceptibke to illusions and in the right circumstances can belief anything.
The big issue is, we weren’t there, so we are left with tying the knots together using footage and eye witness reports. Eye witness reports are very unreliable in moment of stress, footage can also be misinterpreted very easily in the wrong context.
You can belief everything is a hoax, and start from there, I got no problems with that, however you are a minority with this thought process.
Unfortunately a lot of the video’s I watch from this minority group looks very amateuristic and almost childish even, so if you really want to make a change I would try coming across more professional and give true original proof of your findings backed up by scientific proof?
Unless you claim science is all a hoax as well?
The thing is, that it ties in with all the other deception you find if you start to look. Did you know that the U.S. IS a corporation, that our court system is a LIE- look up gold fringe flags, that the pharmaceutical industry is ANOTHER LIE as in all this medicine has NEVER really CURED ANYONE- just hidden the symptoms, that Taxes in the U.S. are truly ILLEGAL- just look up the definition of a slave, did you know that heart disease kills like over 300,000 people a year (the equivilent of 100 9/11's a year-!) in the U.S. and can be EASILY cured by DIET- yet the doctors would rather you go in for SURGERY because of the $$$$$$$, did you know The American Heart Association gets money from Mcdonalds , and the Meat and cheese association just like the American Diabetes association. Watch "What the Health?" on Netflix for free or online and learn ALL about the lies our government perpatrates regarding nutrition. So - MY POINT IS THIS- The LIES are EVERYWHERE, and once you start to see them in many places it becomes EASIER to accept that they are in other places you would not other wise accept.
As a pilot- the air force pilots says that supposedly you cannot really see earths curvature until 100,000 ft-0 yet so many people claim they see earths curvature at 30,000 ft height in commercial airplanes- why can you not see earths curvature and we will even use tthe lower height of 30,000 ft when you can see a ship "sail" over the horizon at only just a few miles distance? Do you see on a plane you can barely see this supposed "curvature" at 30,000 ft yet standing on the beach you can see it when a sail boat is just a few miles away! It doesn't make SENSE, like EVERYTHING I look into I find LIES.
At the root of all this is, is human nature. Greed causes systems to operate less than ideal. Aside of the fact whether some of the above has been done on purpose or are just the way businesses operate, what can we do about it?
I personally strongly belief we need to get rid of our current fiat system and centralized banking. Rather then focus on what are lies or not, I suggest rooting for crypto and put all your effort in to create a fair monetary system decentralised etc etc. This is where people like you could make a real impact, so stop devouring hours of conspiracy theory and do something that truly makes a difference! 😃
curvature of the earth:
rainbows are round, explain why?
Flying at 30000 feet, when you navigate around thunderstorms it is very difficult to depic if you will fly over a cloud since due to the cirvature of the earth clouds look lower then they actually are. Explain how else this phenomenon works.
You dont see the curvature because of the relative position. Ie if you stand on a slightly curved line that curves a few minute degrees every so many miles, you won't be able to judge it. It is simple maths. Your eyes are not able to see this, simple limitations, same as the radio waves and the slight of ranges.
Explain why radio antennas are on mountains. Navigation beacons have limited range due to line of site. I mean how do you disprove all of this? I would love to hear, it is all a hoax?
In addition, correolis forces the way meteorology works, how low pressure fronts turn left in the northern hemisphere versus right on the southern hemisphere, how the sunsets faster on the equator versus the other latittudes. All proof of the planet rotating over it’s own axis.
In the end though these are all scientific theories, I do believe anything is possible unless proven impossible and even with the strongest theories, often there is a small door that can be opened that opens new avenues.
This is why there are soo many conspiracy theories, hardly anything can truly be proven true, since even a straight line is hardly ever straight, a measurable box is in truth impossible to measure accurately on quantum levels etc. etc.
The human body is so complex it is easy to say medicine are not fixing anything, on the other hand it is just as easy to say the do have an effect.
And a lot of it has been tested through trial and error.
We live in a probablistic world anything can happen and with that also exceptional miracle like coincedences.
So I would be reserved in calling something false or wrong based on video’s that only show one part and create a specific picture. Since when you seek a certain truth, you can most likely find it somehow.
your entire reality is a lie. sorry.