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RE: The Duality Of Technology & Rewiring The Brain Of Humanity

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Hey thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I very much appreciate it. I feel you may have misunderstood the post though, it's intent was not a tirade against technology or indeed a way of displaying my fear of change but simply to become streetwise to it. What I also intended to show are the gathering forces around technology, the accumulation of ever greater power into ever fewer hands. When print became mainstream a literal handful of companies didn't own all the books or all the papers, but the internet is increasingly heading in that direction .. equally print did (I feel) alter thought processes (for good and bad), with aspects of the public becoming a reflection of print culture and external perceptions .. but that's a huge topic for another day. In modern terms, print and media both now herald a dangerous power .. with thousands of papers, production companies and TV stations owned by literally three mega-corporations, if you stand back it's easy to see that this is the way the world is heading and it's heading towards a singularity of control .. who can be trusted with such control? .. Indeed as the old saying goes "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" .. I don't think that is the direction we want to be heading as a society, indeed it's dangerous to the very concept of society. And so I feel it's wise to at the very least ponder that those nudging us in a certain direction may not have our best interests at heart. Since the dawn of humanity man has sought dominion over the world and their fellow man, when do you think they gave up?

I have no problem with technology assuming it's true evolutionary position and direction but I don't feel that is happening, hence I feel through open source technology and decentralisation we need to bring it's inherent power back into the hands of the people and not simply sit back and watch it all unfold, every generation faces a challenge and a test, this is ours .. we need a voice and a say in the direction our future is taking, as the 5G grid is being bult around us multiple scientists are voicing very valid health concerns, writing papers about it, speaking out .. and yet the system are intent on pushing it through with zero health checks, where is the choice, the debate? ..indeed when military contractors like Darpa are leading the charge .. you surely have to wonder where they want to take us?

In the longterm I'm very optimistic about the future of humanity and I have written about this extensively .. indeed as I stated at the beginning of the post, the more they exercise control the more it drives us towards our emancipation. Equally this is a pivotal moment in our history and so as much as I want to embrace the future I'm also aware that there are forces that want to drag us back towards our feudal past. I've personally noticed memory impairment and lower concentration spans amongst children, and equally many are increasingly disingaged with the natural world around them, entire families now spend their evenings in silence each plugged into their own personal nirvana, is that a good thing? .. I've watched this happen with my own eyes so I think it has some validity. The social order is indeed both changing and becoming increasingly divided, I can see it and I can see how social media is driving it. It also stands to reason that if you're constantly bombarded with 24hr news and social media .. it becomes increasingly difficult to pick out the relevance of a million stories .. a few months ago many people we're scared thinking the U.S was going to attack N.Korea and spark WW3.. I was always saying watch Iran, in light of recent events which was the more relevant story? Indeed whilst the worlds eyes are averted elsewhere, what more relevant stories are being missed in the center pages of papers or at the end of news programmes? Thank you for the exchange of ideas my friend, your thoughts are respected and taken on board.