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RE: The Duality Of Technology & Rewiring The Brain Of Humanity

He @kittyandcheese thank you for taking the to time to stop by and lend your support, I really appreciate it! Yes, once you begin to grasp the way the neural processes of the brain work and then understand that many people are spending eight hours plus per day in front of some form of screen, then you begin to comprehend how our brains are adapting to these tools of information and communication. I've personally observed changes in memory recall and concentration span, how the mind increasingly multitasks and flits from one idea to another .. how the computer draws you in for one last check of your messages etc etc .. this aspect is akin to an addiction and as time moves on I feel people will be increasingly treated for this addiction. Kindness is a virtue that needs to be nurterd and grown, I always find animals are a great way for children to discover their humanity .. although I'm biased as I love animals! :D Thanks again my friend!