What I most importantly forgot to add in my first reply was that social media is a key component in the division of said brain archetypes, hence complex algorithms divide people into set thought ghetto's/tunnels. With a stretch of the imagination and a look to the future said thought tunnels could be considered as akin to the first stage of Huxley's alpha, beta etc caste system. As I wrote in a previous post: In many ways, as much as co-operation is seen as a cornerstone of a successful society, disagreement is equally imperative. Indeed perhaps to an even greater degree the world has been moved forward by the civilised challenge and debate of dogmatic principles. Unfortunately in this modern age of facebook and twitter, complex algorithms are hastily dividing people into electronic thought ghettos here . These algorithmic ghettos cushion reality and pander to the beliefs of the user. They pander the belief systems and perceptions to such a degree that once outside these electronic padded walls many people are beginning to lack the mental capacity to civilly debate. Equally lacking the ability to empathise and listen to contradictory views. Within this process people have come to personally identify themselves as a multitude of externally created identities & labels.
Alongside these character divisions and thought ghettos and as I alluded to with my previous migrant comment we also have the standard left/right division. But in dividing ourselves into left and right camps we are actually seperating the two halves of our own minds, this is an internal struggle and we must learn to balance these dualities. From this perspective we can look at the left/right political paradigm in two ways, freedom or division? whichever side wins we remain un-unified. I believe that life and our evolution lays within the balancing of these left/right brain polarities and from that perspective we can perhaps see that thing's aren't always as they first appear. Our voice of freedom, our vote .. also keeps us divided. But what is the answer? well that's another post ;) Thanks again @v4vapid