I believe you are unfortunately 100% correct. The plan was outlined for us much earlier in the Orwellian tragedy 1984 and in Huxley's Brave new World.
With your breadth and depth of research and esoteric understanding, you are updating the download for us right here and now with every bit as much power and authority.
I think the plan was paused briefly after the two world wars because of the unifying cameraderie in the trenches and at home when people, more than ever shared ideas and raised their expectations for a better and fairer post war peace in return for such sacrifice. The stark reality of the potential of nuclear weapons too and its impact on our planet and beyond played its own part on a 'stepping back' to let things settle, as it were.
The elites did not wish to antagonise unnecessarily a trained fighting force returning from war for a second time and making clear through their voting power that they would not tolerate another economic depression as experienced in the 20s and 30s. So the Orwellian nightmare was put on hold whilst plans to lull the population into a false sense of security were put in place. Ordinary people's lives (at least in the west) materially improved with the introduction of 'welfare states' to eliminate: squalor, disease, ignorance, idleness and poverty.
In the UK at least, post war propaganda films portrayed the new public service workers as heroes in peacetime uniforms, nurses, railwaymen, postmen etc. Working conditions improved, the trade unions were encouraged and the whole post-war 'feel good factor' lasted and 'distracted' until the mid 60s by which time, most vestiges of empire had given way to the independence movements across the colonised world and music became the 'opiate' of the post-war generation.
By now too and behind the scenes the Bilderberg meetings and the coal, steel and pharmaceutical industries had hatched the way forward into the New World Order. The military industrial complex continued to siphon secretly, public funds into black budgets and with the assistance of nazi scientists, rescued by 'operation paperclip', devised weaponry and technologies, most of which are still secret and only hinted at in deliberately released movies.
The secrecy within which these elites operated allowed an unsuspecting public to be duped and dumbed down in exacty the ways you have outlined.
Sorry to leave such a long post, but I thought it worth trying to convey why some in my generation were fooled into believing that the world was changing for the better and became less attentive, thus letting their guard down and simmering like the proverbial boiling frogs.
You are documenting the future as planned for a very long time. Have we any way to change it? I think we do, but time is tight and we must reach enough people to create a 'tipping point'.
Thank you my friend for you care, compassion and extraordinary eloquence. You are fulfilling whatever task you set for yourself with spectacular sensitivity.
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Hey @ricia than you for the great comment and all the support that you give me, I really do appreciate it. I agree that the plan was halted for the world wars and indeed at the time patriotism worked very well for them. The problem is due to the structure of society we tend to focus on the moment as opposed to thinking from a larger perspective. Unfortunately, you can rest assured that the elite think from a very long term perspective, a multi-generational plan that's slowly being manouvered into place .. two steps forward and one step back.
From this perspective we can see that they also (to a degree) halted the plan to welcome in the crony capitalist system that we now live under. The first generation were offered many sweetners, alas there are always two sides and indeed trade offs for every societal choice we make. In the context of this post, yes I agree that women should be able to work and be completely equal in every aspect of our society. Equally on the flip side the elite's slowly and subconsciously denigrated the stay at home Mum and equally funded many womens rights movements. Did they care about said rights? No, but they cared about the extra tax revenue they had to play with .. indeed there was a time that you could buy a house and feed and clothe a family from one average wage. We now live in a society where both parents need to work flat out just to make ends meet, and quality family time often suffers because of this need .. so in reality who are the winners? I think it will change and I think it is changing, it's just when observed over a human lifetime it can be difficult to observe .. equally it's always darkest before dawn.
No problem my friend and again thank you for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment.