Where do you start..I guess when so many things just don't add up you gotta ask the questions and that in the case of 9/11 leads to more things that don't add up and the trail of events.. Look at recent attacks and all that has happened since it has allowed a naritive and also in london things don't add up.. like why the ctv around the goverment area was not working and the only pictues are no proof at all.. all could of been staged.. 9/11 did happen don't doubt that as it did, two buildings cannot just vanish but the fact remains only 2 high rise building ever fell down after a fire and that was the twin towers. theres other stuff but hey many can look into it and see explosions as it falls and debris going upwards. The deep state will do anything to further there agenda and people need to start asking the question what is that agenda..
look whats happened in the name of terrorism our rights and our freedoms have been taken away slowly till we have none. They own everything from the media to the goverment even hollywood we the people are just slaves and most don't even know it. slaves to the debt machine whom they like to scare into towing the line and who cause the chaos so they can offer the solutions which is to further the agenda..whole system is a scam and just a propaganda tool. terrorism is just an excuse to go into those countries that are a threat to there system and place a puppet goverment inplace.. Imagine if thats what they was doing and it got out what then alot of people still would be like, no they couldn't or wouldn't do that and would believe them. fact is they would. they the ones that have used nukes.. America is just the front man and the strings are pulled by the nwo or illuminati i recently did a post on this well worth checking out imo. i wouldn't normally post a link but i think it all ties in together.
They are capable of anything and do not care about the people or anyone or anything in there way.
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